Chapter Thirteen

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Title: And I Will Walk On Water (13/18)

Characters: Dean and Castiel, Sam, Michael, Lucifer

Rating: PG-13

Word Count: ~7,100

Notes: There aren't any spoilers for 5x06, but there's a bit that's stolen from and inspired by the episode because I couldn't help it. XD Thanks to ibroketuesday for being so relentless with this chapter. ♥

Summary: Castiel tries to deal with the consequences of his decisions, and Dean only wants to help. Michael and Lucifer also make appearances.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12

Three things happened in that pleasant, hazy blur between sound sleep and complete wakefulness: Dean sensed the warm, solid presence of another body in his arms, he pressed himself and his morning wood against it instinctively, and the body tensed all over.

Castiel's alarm jerked Dean awake immediately, in the same instant that he remembered that the warm, solid body in his arms was Castiel's. He rolled away hastily, an apology already on his lips as he snapped his eyes open. "Sorry, shit, I didn't mean anything," he said hoarsely, mouth dry and suddenly tense all over himself from fear that he'd fucked up again after he'd promised not to and Castiel would get that terrible, betrayed look on his face and disappear. Dean didn't know if he could handle that again, especially this early in the morning.

But Castiel relaxed, and his eyes were calm and clear as he looked up at Dean. They were also really, really close, because Dean's attempt to roll away had been somewhat hindered by the fact that one of his arms was still trapped beneath Castiel's body. It was a bit of a miracle that he hadn't lost feeling in it, but then again, Dean thought (somewhat inanely) that perhaps he shouldn't be so surprised at small miracles considering he was in bed with an angel.

Then it finally registered in his sleep-disoriented mind that he was actually in bed with an angel. With Castiel, even. He'd figured it to be a dream, the night before, but apparently that wasn't the case, so now... Dean's eyes darted over to Sam's bed, only to find it empty. "Where's Sam?" he asked automatically.

"He woke up twenty-two minutes ago," Castiel replied solemnly. "Then he left twenty-one minutes ago. I believe he urgently required something from the library."

Dean snorted. "Yeah, I bet." But whatever, he would deal with Sam and the fact that he was doomed to a fate of eternal mocking later. For now, he glanced down at Castiel and felt himself warm up a little in the face. He felt like he should apologize again, for the, ah, subconscious sexual advancement, but he wasn't sure how to without embarrassing himself completely. Eventually he settled for, "Sorry again, about the..." He trailed off with a vague wave downward and then said, "Thought you were some not-exactly-busty but still foxy lady."

Castiel regarded him impassively for a moment, and then actually glanced down between them. At first Dean was about to be relieved because the comforter was still mostly wrapped around both of them -- at least where it counted -- but then he had the sinking thought that Castiel could probably see through it. This led to wondering if Castiel could see through his clothes, too, on a regular basis, and Dean would have groaned at himself if Castiel hadn't interrupted his thoughts by saying, "It's a natural physical reaction. You needn't apologize for it."

There was a silence, during which Dean felt exceptionally awkward and Castiel mostly just stared at him with those stupidly big, penetrating eyes of his. At least they were never judgmental, though, which Dean was grateful for. Eventually, Castiel looked away and bit his lip. "It's not that I'm not... curious," he said slowly, his words carefully measured, "but it's still not something I want." Then he looked up at Dean with some uncertainty, as if he still wasn't completely convinced it was really his place to want or not want things. "And Jimmy--"

And i will walk on waterWhere stories live. Discover now