Chapter 1

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You'd think that after all this time dealing with the gods of Olympus, nothing would shock me anymore. Considering I spent the last three or so years helping my best friends save the world from our evil grandpappy, but this had truely drew the line.

Last night I had went to bed after saying goodnight to Percy and Annabeth. Having a night full of dreams that were about Percy being taken. Something I was worried for at the time, since most dreams that demigods have are sort of prophetic. However with my father being Lord Apollo, well mine were usually bound to come true.

So when Percy never came for breakfast, that's when I started panicking. The gods did sort of have it out for him, despite saving the world from mass destruction. Especially since he and I both turned down immortality so we could continue to grow old with our loved ones. Or at least older, since demigods typically didn't live that long.

Obviously now as I stood in his cabin, I was certain he didn't just up and disappear. Everything seemed to be in order, even his bed was made. A trait Percy wasn't really one to have, unless it was inspection day but it wasn't.

Annabeth stood beside me trying to keep calm. Last night her and Percy shared a good night kiss then she went back to her cabin to get some rest. Yet here we both stood in his cabin, not a trace of him in sight.

"We have to alert Chiron, he's gone Annie," I finally say as we tried wrapping our heads around the whole situation. "He definitely would've at least told some one if he went anywhere, and he's not one to miss breakfast,"

"He can't be gone, after everything we've all went through. This can't be how it ends," she whispered trying not to cry. As was I. And you'd think with all the powers I possessed, I'd be able to locate him. However seeing as I was half mortal, there were limitations to them. I don't care what it takes though, we were going to find him. Percy was like a brother to me. And I loved him just as I did my actual brothers. Well half brothers but they were still my brothers.

"Yeah, the quicker we inform the camp the better chances we have at finding him," she replied giving the room one last glum look before exiting cabin 3. I followed behind her, doing my best to reassure her that whoever did this would pay. Even if was one of our annoying godly relatives.

Together we ventured to the archery range where our camp director was teaching a group of young Hermes kids. Their cabin had been less crowded thanks to Percy's wish of getting the gods to claim their demigod children so we could build cabins for them. A project that was well underway, as Annie was in charge of everything. She was amazing at architecture.

"Chiron I had a vision last night about Percy being taken and we can't find him anywhere. He's vanished," I say stepping up beside the centaur, trying my best not to strain my neck as I looked up at him.

"Are you girls sure, something like this is serious. And with the gods being quiet lately, this would be a cause for concern," he replied, telling the kids they could leave early, to which they cheered before running off to cause mischief.

"You know that he wouldn't just leave without telling Annie or I, he definitely wouldn't tell Mr D, but can you blame him," I replied as Annie was still too shocked to speak.

"Alright I'll call a counsel meeting and we'll go from there," he says before rushing off to the big house.

"I'm going to take a walk, would you like to join me?" I turned to look at the curly haired blond beside me, she shook her head lost in thought.

"Thanks for the offer Des, but I'm going to go lay down for a bit and clear my mind," she replied giving a small smile. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze before walking towards the woods.

Now it wasn't really wise to walk about the woods, especially alone. However with my blessings from Demeter, well it's one of the places I was at peace. Monsters did roam the place, but I had a dagger on me since you never knew when they'd make an appearance.

Leaves crunched beneath the worn down soles of my converse shoes. When I reach the clearing that the counsel of cloven elders had their meetings, I stopped taking a deep breath. Eyes slowly closing as I listened to the sounds of nature around me. Every rustle of leaves, or scurrying of small animals as they raced through the foliage.

One would think that I'd let my guard down, but this just heightened my senses even more. Clearing the mind was difficult considering the ADHD I had, but when I did manage to stop the racing thoughts, everything else became clearer. Which is how I managed to pick up the presence that lurked slightly beneath the shadows.

"It's not wise to sneak up on a girl. Especially one on edge," I state, turning around to see the figure of Nico Di Angelo melting from a shadow close by. The son of Hades looked exhausted, as he normally did. However he was never willing to take this healers advice.

"Sorry Tiny. Look I've traveled through the shadows as much as I could but there's no sign of him," he replied walking forward at more of a stumble. Despite his usual demeanor I knew he too cared about Percy, more than he should.

Of course I never let on that I knew mostly because it wasn't my secret to tell. And I'd never out him like that. Especially since I was certain he didn't truely understand how he really felt. Or was scared of rejection from everyone if they found out. The poor boy has suffered enough in his life, and I did my best to be there for him even when he didn't want me there.

"It's fine Neeks really, I'm going to kill whoever took him. Even if it's one of the gods, but thank you for trying," I replied reaching into my pocket and trying to hand him the emergency KitKat bar my brother Will always insisted I have on me. He was an even more skilled healer than I, so I always had one on me to ease his spirits.

"I feel as though something big is coming, like another world threatening prophecy," he says trying to keep his eyes open, refusing to take the chocolate which left me no choice.

"Hopefully not, now come let's get you to Will," I replied and his eyes widened at the mention of my brother, but I could also see a light dusting of pink flushing onto his pale cheeks.

"Oh no gods please not the infirmary, I'm totally fine," he protested trying to get away but I wasn't taking no for an answer. Without difficulty I slung him over my shoulder, making my way down to the infirmary.

He pounded his fists on my back and kicked his feet but that didn't stop me as I entered the building and set him down on an empty bed. I smirked as I briefly told Will what was wrong with him then left. Knowing that he'd be in good hands with my brother.......

Saving Hope - (Leo Valdez love story) (Rewriting)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora