Chapter 3

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The view was breathtaking, all the tiny little houses looked like small ants. Lakes were shining like diamonds as the sun reflected off the surface of the water. The distant sound of birds chirping could be heard as the chariot soared just under the cloud line. If I lifted my hand up, I could touch the fluffy white cushions floating above my head.

After flying for awhile I could finally see the grand canyon ahead of us. So I shake Annie awake "Annie you lazy ass get up. We are here,"

Her eyes opened slowly before she registered where we were "Yeah I'm up. Land over there by those kids," she states with a yawn before pointing over to where 3 teens were standing on the sky walk, which looked like it was going to break any second.

Looking at them I could feel they are demigods, much like how monsters could, it was one of the many powers gifted to me by the gods.

With some skilled manouvering I managed to guide the chariot to the safest looking part of the sky walk. Which to be fair, didn't look that stable either. Whatever went down here it was definitely the aftermath of a demigod battle. Accidental destruction was something I was all too familiar with. Considering what the last few years had been like. Percy, Grover, Annabeth and I had blow up quite a few objects, a few being national monuments. Whoops.

The trio looked utterly confused, most likely thinking they've gone batshit crazy. Well the mortals that seemed to be locked within the visitor center certainly seemed terrified of the girl and two boys.

As I stepped onto the catwalk with Annabeth in tow, I felt my bow and quiver materialize across my back. A neat trick of the mist if I'm being honest.

"Seems we missed a good fight Annie," I say to the blonde who was looking around frantically, probably trying to find any signs of Percy. But her looks were for nothing, as the son of Poseidon wasn't here.

"Well if you were here around ten minutes ago then maybe you'd had the chance to see it," a tall blonde boy says, he looked like he went skydiving as his hair and clothes were severely disheveled. His striking blue eyes were looking at us with a hint of confusion. I'm not sure why but those blue eyes seemed familiar to me, yet I couldn't pinpoint where I'd seen them.

"Shame really, it brings me joy taking down monsters," I sighed noticing that someone was missing from the picture "Where is Hedge?" it was unusual to find demigods without their protector nearby.

"Hedge? Um he got taken by Dylan who was like this wind spirit thingy," the shorter boy states as he shook his head, little rocks fell from the swirls of his curly hair. And it was clear that these demigods were well over 12. Them not being claimed yet means the gods haven't kept up on their promise to Percy, which made his disappearance that more mysterious.

"They were venti, storm spirits" The first boy states, only using the Roman name for it. My eyes wandered down his arm to a sigl burned into the flesh with the letters SPQR. Well shit, if a Roman demigod was involved in this then something definitely was wrong.

Living on Olympus for the majority of my life I knew about the gods other children from their other forms. Although their kids didn't get along that well with us Greeks, so thats why nobody knew of the others existing. Due to terrible things happening when accidentally crossing paths.

What's different about this boy is that he seemed shocked to know the name of the monster, and as the girl tried holding his hand he flinched away from her. Causing her to frown at his reaction. The healer in me could tell that he had no recollection of anything, total amnesia.

"Well yeah that's what the Romans called them but us Greeks call them anemoi thuellai," I politely corrected for Annabeth's sake. And the blonde who's name was Jason began explaining everything as best as he could.

Turns out he just appeared on the bus that brought some kids to the grand canyon. All memories were gone and this Dylan one tried to kill them all, that's when Hedge revealed himself as a satyr and did his best at protecting them. Only in the heat of things, managed to get taken away.

Of course this just got more insane by the second and it somehow all ties in with Jason showing up randomly and Percy vanishing.

"This was ridiculous I've been tricked," Annie says shouting up at old grand pappy Zeus, or any god who would listen "What have you done with him?"

"Come on Annie he's not here, but we will find him. We've got to get these ones back to camp. It's not safe for all of us to just be out in the open like this," I state feeling bad for her. And we managed to usher everyone into the chariot. It was a tight fit but we managed as I took off into the afternoon sky.

I thought the flight home was going to be quiet, but it was stupid of me to think that. Considering these kids were thrusted into our world and had just won their first battle. So of course they had questions, but it was really hard for me to keep my composure when trying to answer them.

Leo seemed to be the bane of my existence when it came to said questions, and he was asking the most. Of course I briefly answered some, because I knew that more would be asked and better answered by Chiron, when we got to camp.

When I saw the beach, I told Blackjack that if he took us down nice and easy, then I'd give me sugar donuts. As they were his favorite.

"Are you talking to the flying horse?" Leo asked once we made the descent, landing gracefully on the sandy shore. People were waiting for us there, with curious expressions.

"It's a blessing I have from Poseidon," I stated before hopping off, with everyone else in tow.

"Any luck finding Percy?" Will asks as he made his way over to me, pulling me into a gentle hug and checking me over for any injuries.

"Unfortunately not, but we've got three unclaimed demigods and a missing protector," I states looking at Chiron with an appointed look, he nods before coming forward.

Suddenly a glowing symbol formed just above Leo's head, making everyone look at him, he was claimed by Hephaestus. The boy seemed very confused as he looked around at everyone. A terrified look seemed to form on his face.

"What's everyone looking at? Am I on fire?" He asks swatting at his clothes as if they were on fire.

"No, you've been claimed by your father," I stated and he looked shocked before gazing up at the sign above him.

"By who?" He asked trying to keep calm, he seemed very fidgety but I guess all of us here were.

"By Vulcan," Jason says causing us all to look at him with confused looks, well apart from me. This just kind of confirmed my thoughts, Jason had to be from the Roman camp.

"I hate Star Trek," Leo states shaking his head which made me laugh.

"Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus the god of fire and metalworking," I explained and that seemed to calm him down slightly. Guess he liked tinkering then, which was good. That way he'd fit in with his siblings.

This was going to be along day.....


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