A Lying Smile

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Do you think I'm sweet?
Or that I can be trusted?
I laugh on inside so you don't know.
How stupid you are for thinking this.
I have A Lying Smile.

I might look like a kind angel.
But I know that I'm not.
I can fool all, anyone I want.
No one will ever know the truth.
I have A Lying Smile.

I will never let my 'friends' know.
All my days bur together.
Do you think that I will care?
Or maybe that I will help you?
I have A Lying Smile.

As I slowly die on the inside.
Life goes on like normal.
I never pout or frown.
I'm never going to be sane.
I have A Lying Smile.

I can escape any problem.
I don't bother to cry.
You think you know me?
Or is it this mask you know?
I have A Lying Smile.

I'm never seen as a threat.

The way I planned it.I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.
And you are my food.
I have A Lying Smile.

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