One Shot: The Moon Rises

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This is Billdip and Dipper is a girl, it's based off of the animatic by Lumina Xandra go check them out! Hope you Enjoy!

(Dipper's P.O.V)

I'm currently sitting in my room as a party is going on downstairs. Mabel and I have reached our sixteenth birthday today. Everyone seems to have once again forgotten that there are in fact two princesses. That the princess of the sun has a twin sister of the moon. I do just as much for them as Mabel but no I'm the forgotten one! For once I want to be wanted and needed by them!

'I hate them.' I think with a dark and a venomous glare on my face. Joyous laughter can be heard traveling up through the floor. It's coming from the large and highly packed ballroom right below me. A scowl forms on my lips at the mere sound of it all, some of that should be for me also.

"Why does everyone love Mabel's precious light?" I mutter to myself as a sad and bitter tone fills my voice. I decide to close the journal that I am reading at the moment. I do it in the hopes of getting my mind off of what's going on beneath. Why am I hated by my people and family?

"Cheer up Pine tree. It's your birthday." A familiar voice says in a soft tone. I look over to find Bill making his way over to me. He has an equally soft look in his eyes before seating on the bed.

"It doesn't matter. Not when everyone seems to forget in favour for Mabel." I say to him with a glare at the floor. The party for the sun carries on below as if I had never existed at all.

"I'm hurt that you would put me in with those meat bags." Bill says to me with a fake hurt tone and look on his face. He also has a hand resting over his chest where his heart would be. He smiles at me before handing me a dark blue box with a silver ribbon on top. My eyes widen in shock.

"B... Bill?" I ask him feeling a little confused as he motions for me to open it up. I look between the box and him a few times as I expect it to disappear. I end up taking it as my curiosity gets the better of me. My eyes widen a little bit more at the sight of what's sitting inside the box.

"Happy birthday Pine tree. My queen." He says with a soft smile as he takes the beautiful crown out of the box. He places it on top of my head gently as if I would flee if startled even a little.

"Thank you." I say with a small smile of my own, I head over to my full body mirror. The light silver crown has a medium crystal crescent moon in the centre. Three smaller dark blue sapphires are sitting on each side. It matches my dark blue dress with a silver crescent moon on the chest.

"I knew it would suit you perfectly." Bill says to me as he comes over to me in front of my mirror. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind. He rests his head on top of my shoulder smiling while he cheekily up at me. I lean back into his warmth with a soft sigh leaving my lips.

"Happy birthday Princess Mabel!" We suddenly hear the crowd cheer out in pure joy from below us. It's followed by even more laughter and loud music being playing. I turn in Bill's arms and stare up at him with wide sad eyes. Bill tightens his hold around me and pulls me close to him.

"Why am I the darkness to her light? Why don't they love me like they love Mabel?" I ask with him tears pooling in the corner of my eyes ready to fall. Bill only sighs unable to answer before leading me to bed where I could not sleep. My fears and questions are keeping me awake.

"Maddison?" Bill asks using my real name with a worried tone and look in his eyes. I get up and check the clock to see that the time is around a quarter to three. The party has finally ended I noticed as there is no noise coming from below. I head out to my balcony that see's over the town of Gravity Falls. Bill is sitting now on my shoulder and he is currently in his triangle form.

-Now the hour has come at last. The soft and fading light. Has crossed the west horizon. And has bidden us goodnight- I start to sing out to the night air in a soft voice. I look over the town that Mabel and I are meant to look after together. If only they loved me just as they do the sun!

-And what a lovely night it is. To walk a moonlit field. To see the softer shades. That are by starlight now revealed- I sing into the night air as I make my way through my garden via the stairs. They wind down from my balcony and away from the rest of the world. A silver butterfly lands on my finger for a little while before flying into the night. It's so peaceful out here away from 'them'!

-So why is it that now? When all is quiet and at rest. When candles glow and all the world. Is at its very best- I continue the song as I turn away. I head towards my own private library. Bill nuzzles into my neck showing that I still have him on my side. I smile down at him, glade he's here.

-The people of Gravity Falls. Should lock themselves away. To shun the moon and wait instead. For Sister's sunny day- I for a moment look towards the large window that shows the town. I turn away with tears filling my eyes once more. This time they start to flow over and won't stop.

-In umbra Luna est- I hate that nothing I do is good enough for these people. My own twin sister has turned her back on me. She has left me all alone because she has the love of this town.

-Am I so wrong to wish that they. Would see things like I do? And am I so wrong to think. That they might love me too- I sing as I face Bill not bothering to hide my tears from him. He floats in front of me with sadness and comfort in his single eye. All I ever wanted was to be loved and appreciated by those closest to me! Why is that such a bad thing for me to want! WHY?!

-Why shouldn't they adore me? Is it not within my right? I'll not be overshadowed! Mine is not the lesser light- No more, they won't get away with this I will make sure of that! Bill floats over and nuzzles my neck once more. I give him a sweet smile as I can always count on him.

-I've waited long enough now. For them all to come around. And though the Sun may plead and threaten. The Moon will stand her ground- I sing with a dark grin falling into place on my lips. I let my magic flow through and all around me without trying to hold it in. It gives off a soft silverly blue light to the area that we are in. They had their chance but they fucked it up and badly!

-It comes to this at last. I will no longer yield the sky. If they cannot love but one Princess alone. See, the Moon is rising. She has come to claim the heavens for her own- I sing with Bill sitting on my shoulder. I send a powerful but rather dark spell up towards the full moon. It will now stay in place no matter what. They will finally learn to love the night and her kingdom of shadows!

-And all will know the wonder. Of my dark and jewelled sky. When all the world is wrapped in. An eternal lullaby- I let my magic swirl around me in order to change my clothing. I want it to be something that is far more fitting of a Queen. I make sure to leave the crown that Bill had gotten me earlier. Bill decides to transform back into his human form and he smiles widely at me.

-So say goodnight at this. The final setting of the sun. Tomorrow dawn's in darkness. The night time has begun- I sing with a wide and rather cruel grin on my face. I make my way to the throne room to take my place as Queen. I head up to my throne and take a seat in it with Bill close by. It will be rather interesting to see how my dear old sis reacts. I am looking forward to it with a dark laugh leaving my lips.

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