One Shot: Cry-Baby

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(Mari's P.O.V)

I watch from the back wall as my class enjoy the Halloween party. As I glance around it seems that most people are dressed as their akuma forms. I'm glad that they found a way to smile and laugh about it. I take a drink from my cup happy to find that everyone is enjoying themselves.

"Gabriel so gracefully made this outfit for me." I narrow my eyes ever so slightly at the sudden voice. Lila dressed as Volpina is the centre of attention, shocker. I scoff at her words as if he would do that for some like you. I don't say anything as if they want to believe her then they can.

"Forget about her. Try to enjoy yourself." Tikki encourages me from her place in my purse. I give her a small smile as I pass her a cookie. She take it with her own smile before hiding again.

"Tikki's right I need to forget about Lila for a little while." I mutter under my breath with a sharp nod to myself. I came out here to have a good time. I'm not letting Lila ruin that for me.

"Do my eyes deceive me or are you actually stupid enough to show your face?" I hear a familiar voice say and I try not to groan. I turn to face one of the main bitches of the entire school.

"I'm not here to fight you Lila, not tonight. I'm just trying to enjoy myself." I tell her as I cross my arms over my chest. She raises an eyebrow at me with a cruel smirk twisting her lips. I really don't like that look she gained in her eyes. What is she planning in that head of hers for me now?

"Just make sure that you stay out of my way." Lila reminds me with a light sneer before she walks off. I lightly click my tongue at her back in irritation. I grin to myself as an idea comes to me. I glance over at the small wooden stage. I smile happy to see that it's empty at the moment.

"Let's do this." I claim as I take a deep breath to help me go through this. I place down my empty cup and head over to where the DJ station. The same one that is set up right next to the stage.

"Hey, Mari. Nice costume!" Nino comments with a smile on his face as I reach him. He is dressed as Bubbler, he was allowed to be our DJ for tonight. I return it with a small one of my own.

"Hey Nino. I was wondering if you would help me with something." I ask him with my head tilted to the side a little. He seems to think it over, intrigued by my question as he glance at me.

"Help ya with what?" He asks me as he continues to blast out the creepy music. I smile as it seems he hasn't outgrown his curiosity. I take out a CD from my bag and hold it out towards him.

"With a song that I want to sing for the class? Please?" I plead to him with wide red eyes. He takes the disk and case out of my hands. He seems to be looking it over for a couple seconds.

"You've done so much for us. This is the least I can do." I agrees with a nod of the head at me. I give him a bright smile. Once he has sorted everything that is needed out I head to the stage.

"I can do this." I softly remind myself as I release a deep breath. While I wait at the bottom of the small stairs I catch Lila's gaze. I send her way a semi smirk that has her frowning back to me.

"Time for a special performance!" Nino calls out into his own personal mic. Most of the lights all dim down even more they already are. They do this until the stage is now near pitch black.

"That's my queue." I mutter as make my way up the stairs and onto stage. I glance over towards Nino and He gives me a thumbs up. I send a smile back not totally sure if he can see it or not.

"What is going on? Why are the lights out?" I hear a bitchy voice call out from in front of me. The sound of Lila's voice seals my resolve. She needs to learn a lesson and I am going to teach it.

-I'm locked in my own mind. This cottage my home. No one's around, not one to make a sound. I hear them saying "oh just leave her be." After they embark, I'm back in the dark- I start to sing out to the darken room. I let the music playing wash over me with its very familiar tune.

"I wonder who is singing." I hear Alya mutter, it seems she's near the front. I quickly glance over at Nino who just nods back. Light grey smoke starts to pour out on the stage around my feet.

-So small and abandoned. Is what they allbelieve. But never looked to truly see. I tell them that it's fine. They answersweet naïve. Not knowing I just lied- I sing as I let my emotions flow into thesong. A few of the lights start to randomly flash different colours. I noticethat the colours are all dark ones that match the mood. Thanks for the help Nino,you're a real good friend to have.

(Adrien's P.O.V)

-They call me Crybaby well maybe. It's time to turn the tide. It's crazy not hazy. You really should hide. Crybaby and maybe I see you shaking. Tears fall to the ground. But they're not my own. (But they're not my own) (Crybaby, crybaby- I watch as Mari carries on singing the song. Her costume is really something as she made it all by herself. It's one of the best outfits here I would say.

"Wow..." Alya mutters to me and I have to agree with her on that. She has on black form fitting dress that has both legs showing. She also has on a pair of black ankle strapped high heels.

-I'm all on my own but. That's how it has been. Solitude has become my only friend. Fates intertwined so. I put them to an end. And those Crybaby taunts. Come running again- I feel as if I was punched by those words. I should have realised that something wasn't alright when everyone slowly stopped hanging with Mari. I glance over at Lila to find her glaring at the singing girl.

-So small and abandoned. Is what they all believe. But never looked to truly see. I tell them that it's fine. They answer sweet naïve. Not knowing I just lied- Her voice carries all around us in a morbidly soothing way. Marinette lets her now coloured red eyes travel over the crowd.

"I should have been there for her. Instead I had turned a blind eye to everything." I mutter lowly in self-hate. I watch the lights all around the stage give her a soft glow. She sends me a wink.

-They call me Crybaby well maybe. It's time to turn the tide. It's crazy not hazy. You really should hide. Crybaby and maybe I see you shaking. Tears fall to the ground. But they're not my own. (But they're not my own) (Crybaby, crybaby- She takes a few steps towards the front of the stage. This allows us a better look at her. She has on a long dark pink slightly messy wig. It has a pair of yellow pony ears poking out the top. A flash of light reveals a pair of bat wings behind her.

"Just kill me now..." Lila mutters with distaste so I glare over at her with a murderous gaze. It makes her take a step back from me in shock. I turn away to watch Marinette sing on stage.

-I look at you as you apologise. There is no sympathy in your eyes. Begging and pleading. Will do you no good! You and your tears are mine- The lights all around the stage continue to give her a soft glow. It makes it very hard for anyone to turn away from her perfect performance.

"Wow... she should sing more often." Alya mutters from her place next to me in the crowd. She has her phone out to record. Marinette seems to be glaring at Lila during that whole verse.

-Crybaby, well maybe it's time to turn the tide. It's crazy not hazy. You really should hide. Crybaby and maybe I see you shaking. Tears fall to the ground. But they're not my own- She sings with a dark smile forming on her dark lips. I get the feeling that she's coming to the end of the song.

-Crybaby, well maybe it's time to turn the tide. It's crazy not hazy. You really should hide. Crybaby and maybe I see you shaking. Tears fall to the ground. But they're not my own. (But they're not my own) (Crybaby, crybaby- She finishes the song with one last wink my way. She narrows her eyes at Lila than turns to get off the stage. I manage to reach the stage stairs but Mari in nowhere in sight. I look around for the pink of her wig but it seems that she's just vanished into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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