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I was tagged by SugaShortJiminnie

Still surpised people know me

Like..... how???

(1) meaning behind my url? Its just my name and Suga's sirname since he's my bias

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(1) meaning behind my url?
Its just my name and Suga's sirname since he's my bias

(2) biggest weakness?
I'm too scared of people to speak

(3) biggest strength?
Being able to wall off things, like feelings 

(4) piercings?
Just simple ears, I want to get more though

(5) favorite band?
Well I love P!ATD and Sleeping at Last
And.... of course BTS

(6) last dream I had?
Last dream I can remember is me getting yelled at and abandoned by my family

(7) phobia?
Spiders scare me shitless and because of Maze Runner TDCphobia. Also lobsters and cows.

(8) favorite movie?
Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium

(9) hair color?
Currently its red, I might go blond or pink idk

(10) favorite model?
Does Jensen Ackles count as a model?

(11) favorite flower?
I love white roses and chrysanthemums

(12) cats or dogs?
I have cats but im a sucker for puppers

(13) favorite holiday?
I love Christmas and the fee around it, I'm tied between that and Halloween

(14) last thing you ate?
Ranch Doritos

(15) your lucky number?
8 and 13

(16) name?

(17) piercings you want?
Conch and a helix piercing are a want of mine

(18) perfect date?
Stay inside and play video games. Anything indoors.

(19) 5 things I hate?
-Loud people
-Ignorant people
-Being late

(20) 5 things I love?
Staying indoors
When its hot and it rains

(21) random fact?
You don't know what you actually look like except in photos and reflections. Most likely it you met yourself in real life you wouldn't realize it.

(22) favorite item of jewelry?
I always wear rings

(23) favorite body feature?

(24) tattoos I want?
I want a lot, on my back, on my chest. I really want that Never mind tattoo Jimin had across his chest during MAMA 2014, it means a lot to me.

(25) favorite blogs?
Does John Watson's blog count? Im kidding, I don't really look at blogs.

(26) what I love about myself?
I think I just like how creative I am, maybe how im blunt and honest.

(27) what I hate about myself?
Everything mostly.
I cant stand up for myself or even ask a teacher for help without getting a panic attack and almost crying. I think I'm to weak.

(28) favorite book?
I read Demian and HOE THAT BOOK WAS AMAZING, I also love the entire Harry Potter series.

(29) sweet of salted popcorn?
I prefer sweet, I will drown it in sugar. But then salted popcorn is also good....

(30) somebody I miss?
My old self (sorry I got a little emo )

I'll tag only 10 to spare you guys


Anticipate a new fic soon
It is very angsty
I do not apologize for the pain I might cause

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