Chapter 24

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He is going to get what he deserved for ruining my life. Im going to make him remember what he did. Now I know you may be wondering who I am, but I can't tell you. Not yet anyways. "Can I have a cookie please" Zoe asked "No. Sit there and watch tv" I said with no remorse "B-but im hungry" She said starting to cry "Do you wanna go in time out ?" I asked. She shook her head no "Well shut up then" I said getting up and walking into the kitchen sighing. I guess I do have to feed them. I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and gave it to them. After they ate I made them take a nap. I decided I would use this time to rest too. I woke up a couplle hours later and they were still sleeping. Probably because of the medicine I slipped in their juices. Calm down it wasn't enough to kill them. Anyways I was debating on if I wanted to keep them forever, kill them, or keep them for like a week and give them back. I kinda like the second choice, it would give him a taste of the pain that I felt on that fatal night...


"Look daddy! Look what I can do" ethan said excitedly. He was running around with his new toy plane that I had just bought him. He loved planes and since he was a good boy today and didn't cry when he got his flu shot at the doctors today I told him I'd get him a new plane for his collection.  I had felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I retrieved it amd saw I had a message from Janice, ethan's mom.

Janice- Hey is it my weekend this weeked or yours?

Me: It's my weekend janice.

Janice- im sorry okay? It's really hard to keep track of this being a nurse and working all types of hours.

As I was about to respond I looked up and before I could run over to save him.. It was already too late... Ethan had ran into the street to get his plane and at the same time a drubk driver was swirving and hit ethan. The fucking scum bag kept driving but I saw what he looked like. Brown hair, crystal blue eyes.

I swore from the moment I found out ethan had died on impact I would stop at nothing to get justice for my son. I looked around town the mext day and when I spotted the guy I followed him for awhile. Basically I've kept an eye on this guy for the last 4 years. I saw he had kids and I wanted him to get attached to his children so that once I took them and killed them, he'd know how I felt when he killed my ethan. Karma's a bitch you blue eyed killer. I decided I was gonna write him a little email.

To: Nash Grier
From: Unknown
Subject: Your Twins.

Hey you fucking bastard. I have your kids and guess what? You're never going to see them again. I want you to know how I felt you took my ethan away from me. He was fucking 3 1/2 years old!! Anyways, have fun explaining to your wife why she had to lose her kids because her husband was a reckless fucking drunk.


As I was sitting quietly wondering where the twins could be and if they were alright. I received and email. I read over it and I immediately teared up. Everyone looked at me and ame walked over to me quickly "Is it the twins? Is it my babies ?" she asked scared. I needed to tell her what happened a couple months before I met her. "A-ame... I think you should sit down..." I said. I pulled jack aside and told him he needed to call thw detectives and have thwm come over right away. He did so amd while he did that I took ame to a private room and told her what happened. It was a friday night, maybe around 5 pm? I had plans to meet up with my girlfriend aubrey at the movies then I was gonna take her to dinner. When I got to the movie theater I saw her and my bestfriend at the time chad making out. I was so upset I decided to go to a bar and drink. Once I was completely gone I got in my car and drove towards Cameron's house. When I got to rose ave a little boy ran into the street I was wayyyy to drunk to realize but after I had already hit him I didnt stop because I didn't wanna go to jail... Once I had made it to Cameron's I crashed on his couch.


After nash had told me what happened I burst into tears. I was angry and hurt and over all sad for the little boy's dad. I swear if I never see my kids again because of what nash did I would never forgive him amd he would never see my kids again. Jack held me as I cried. The detectives came over and Nash told them everything. Nash gave them the guys name and the detectives said they'd do everything they could to get the twins back. It's about 2 am and everybody is asleep but me. Im trying but it's hard. Jack wrapped his arms around me and that's when I fell asleep.

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