chapter 2

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(The next day)

*ame's P.O.V*

I woke up and went into the bathroom to wash my face.When I was done I walked out into the living room Cameron was asleep on the couch so I decided to make him some breakfast. Right when I was about to get the eggs my phone started vibrating.

< phone call A:ame N:nash  >


N:hey babe its Nash

A:what's up babe you sound scared

N:Cameron knows and why didn't you tell me you were pregnant

A:nash  I was going too I swear I just found late last night

N:its OK babe but do you think cams going to hate me for getting you pregnant

A:how did he react yesterday when you told him

N:we at first he was mad then he just got strangely calm I don't know

A:come over to cams house and well talk it out together OK ?

N:alright babe I'll be there in an hour bye love you

A:OK love you too bye

I hung up my phone and started cooking.{30 mins later}.when I was done cooking I fixed my hair and woke can up. "cam get up I made breakfast" I said shaking him "Ooooo you did where where" cams head shot up "its in the kitchen and by the way Nash us on his way.." I said the last part quietly "what'd you say" cam asked confused " I said Nash is on his way" I said looking down "oh OK well how much food can I get" cam asked "well I made enough so you and" in was cut off because I had to throw up so I ran to the bathroom and shut the door.A few minute s later I heard cams front door open and close then I heard someone knock on the bathroom door."baby are you ok in there" Nash "yeah baby sis are you ok let us in

" cameron . I got up rinsed my mouth out and opened he bathroom door. "I'm fine"I said while flushing the toilet. I walked out of the bathroom and later on the couch.Nash and Cameron soon came in too Nash sat my near on his lap and cam sat on the other couch.

Ooooo cliff hanger what do you think will happenI'll update later love yah :-) :-) :-)  =)

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