Chap 3: A cold hearted but playful one?

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A little review from the last chapter...
"Come on in roommate!"- the person said, I grab the door knob and turn it. When I push the door open to see.... It was Mr. Cray?!
Mr. Cray sits up from the bed, looks at me with the same surprise expression....
Wait! Is this for real?! I didn't ask for this!
Mr. Cray still looks at me as he gets off the bed, the look of surprise disappear and replace with a smirk
"Oh~Welcome new roommate~"- he said. I just stand there, in silence....
Palette P.O.V
And why does he sounds like he has expected me? This is so weird. Too unbelievable for accepting this reality, I turned my heel and started to run away (To the door of FREEEDOM!)
Cray P.O.V
Palette just standing there, looks at me with pure shock. I see him turns his back. Oh! I think I know what's he gonna do. I quickly use some magic I have left to lock the door and teleport him in front of me. Before he could even try to run again, I grab him by the wrist and pin him down the bed. His eyes widened as his face painted with green blush. Heh~what a cutie~
"Try to run away~? I didn't do anything to you~"- I said innocently, smirking as I have full control of the small skeleton laying beneath me. The look of shock on Palette now turn into a look full of aggression, he started to squirm and kick me
"Let me go!"- he cries, tries to free himself away from my grip but of course I was stronger even in this situation when I'm sick and after a nap so pretty much what he does is not affect me or make me move at all and that even makes my grip got tighter to take more control of him, but that's still not gonna stop him from what he's doing, he keeps on trying and trying, not squirming then kicking and soon got tired after that. He's now completely lay himself on the bed, panting from the exhaustion
"Have enough?"- I ask, feeling annoyed a little, he gives me another weak kick before he fully gives up,"It's useless to try, Palette. The more harder you do, the more I won't let you go"
Palette sticks his tongue out at me and turns away pouting. Hey, that's not a very nice move you made on me, Starry Eye! I cupped his chin and force him turn back at me, his cheeks are puffing, still angry (?) Is he even angry? Because even he actually does, he is so god damn cute, making me want to tease him more~ Hehe. I know what to do~ Play my favorite game called "Pretend". I'm already sick so let's act like I sick more! This is gonna be fun~. I started to "lose" my grip for "a good start"
Palette P.O.V
I see Mr. Cray's eyes slowly closing as he stared to.... FALL ON ME?! I reached my hands out in front to hold him, prevent his weight on me a little
"Mr. Cray?!"- I call out for him, he didn't answer, suddenly I feel his hot breath on my neck, hmm, don't tell me.... I put my hand on his forehead. My star! It's hot! He is sick, no wonder why this morning when he left the class, he looks so tired. Ok, Palette, you can "throw tantrum" on him later but for now you gotta help him! I try to push him off me so he can lays on his back. Ugh! He's so heavy! We're both skeletons but why the heck is he heavier than me? (Ummm, magic?). I look around to see there's a basin with a small towel on it. Perfect! I put my finger inside the water of the basin, it's cold. Ok, all I need to do is get warm water from the bathroom, but where is that?Maybe I could ask someone in this dorm. When I was about to even touch it, Mr. Cray grabs my wrist again, what does he want now...?
"I can do it myself, it's not like I'm gonna die or anything...."- he groans
"Said the person who almost fainted on me due to his sickness~"- I said, trying to keep my cool
"Heh! A few moments ago and this morning, you just a shy little boy and now you being sassy, you really are something...."- he said with that cheeky smile of him. I smile at him, but not in a very friendly way
"I'm not sassy, I'm just pretty happy of how the table turns on me"- I said as I get off the bed, holding a basin,"But for now, since you're awake, can you tell me where the bathroom is?"- I ask
".....Go find it yourself, I'm not gonna help ya~, "sassy boy"- he turns his back at me, I giggle
"Ok, fair enough, Mr. Cray, now please excuse me"- I walk out of the room quickly with my heated face and breathed out heavily. I was shaking so much in there! Ahhh! D-did he really do that t-to me?! I- I c-c-can't get that image of Mr. Cray pinned me down, dominated me out of my mind and that stupid smirk of him....and.... and....Ahhhhh! It just too much! I can feel myself running away in my embarrassment
Cray P.O.V
Once the door closed, I hear a big sound like a person let out a loud sign and a screech coming after, I know for sure it Palette's, cause the sound is obviously very close. Pfft! I never smile, smirk or even laugh so much like this day, he does really is interesting~ I had so much fun with him, but that's not done yet. As long as he stays here with me, he will be my little toy in my own game. So, let see how well you can handle me. Palette Roller~

Your love had color my boring life (Palette x Cray) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now