Chap 4 (part 2): Precious memory

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(Don't play the video yet, there will be some point in this chapter will tell u to play it)
Cray P.O.V
Tch! Why is Pallete so slow?! I started to lose impatient, even though I love to tease this little one but I need to get him in shape of my rules, I will never ever accept a roommate that working with a turtle speed like him. Suddenly, a light bulb shine on my head, how about a little punishment? No, actually a warning, because he was messed with me earlier for being sassy, even that's a fail one. But that's still count~. Just then, I hear a voice coming close
"I hope Mr. Cray is doing alright..."- it's Palette! I quickly pull the cover over me and pretend to fall asleep. The door creak open once I close my eyes. My goodness, he's not even knock!
Palette P.O.V
I open the door and walk in to see Mr.Cray is sleeping, he must be very tired. That's when I suddenly feel bad for kicking him earlier, when he wakes up, I'll say sorry to him. I walk over to his bed and carefully place the basin on the nightstand, take the towel and dip it in warm water. I turn him to my side so I can wash his face, I hear him groan and moves his face little but eyes remain shut. I patted gently started from his forehead, down to his chin and to the other side of his cheek bone, I continued the process until when I wash it down to his neck, I feel an arm wraps around me, I look behind, it was Mr.Cray's arm and I meet an aggressive look with a massive grin when I look back. What?! When did he.....?!
"Welcome back Palette~"- he said, with a scary grin, I can see his face got darker, his voice sends me a chill down to my spine once again, I gulped
"M-Mr. Cray! I-I d-d-didn't know that you already awake..."- I said, forgot that he hated stutter, his grin gets wider and his grip around me tighten
"Oh, my sweet Palette, what did I tell you about the stuttering?"- he said. Oh my star! Why is he so scary right now?!
"You're shaking? What's the matter? Where's that sassy boy go? Hmmm?~"- he suddenly grabs my collar and pulls me down. He examines me as I froze in fear.
"Just as I thought"- Mr. Cray narrows his eyes,"You're scare, don't cha?"- he continues, I cannot say anything but truthfully nodded,"Then from now on, don't show that behavior of yours again. Got it?"- he said with the cold voice, I nodded,"Answer me!"
"Yes sir"- I open my mouth and speak
"Good"- he smiles and gets off me, "I'm going to my office for a while, so you stay here behave and don't do anything stupid. Got it?"- he glances at me
"Yes sir"- I said,
"Good, your bed be next to my night stand, so please get off mine!"- Hmhp! He such a meanie! But I still do what he said so, I don't want to get myself into more trouble
"I'll be off now! See you later, Starry Eyes"- he takes his jacket and quickly goes out the room. Starry Eyes? Is he talking to me? I mean obviously there's only me in here that he can talk with...Gah! Whatever! Let's ignore him from now on, I got things to do, I don't have time to think about that weirdo! I go over to my bag and pull out the rule paper I had this morning from Mr. Andrew. I lay on my bed, read them carefully and sign in. After that, I get my stuffs out from my luggages and organized them in the empty closet that stands opposite my bed, until when I pull out my last clothes, a picture of me and my dad fall out from them, that picture was taken two days before I attend the academy
"Dad..."- I mumble as I flip the picture over and there's something written on it, "To my precious son, I'm very proud to hear that you have attended Underverse Academy, you grown up so fast and now you gonna leave me for a while. I'm a little sad but I have to let you go to find your own future. Oh and btw, don't forget to write letter for me, ok? I'm gonna miss you a lot, good luck in the Academy, Palette
                                                          Love you,
P/s Don't forget to hug the Dango when you sleeping~
I giggle as I pull out the last item in my luggage, which is the dango plushie and flopped down the bed, hugging both of them including the pictures to my chest, closing my eyes as I recall my memories with my dad
"Daddy, I can't sleep"- I said as I walk into his room
"Oh is that so. Come here Palette!"- dad puts down his paperwork and opens his arm for me. I hop right into his embrace
"Daddy?"- I call out for him. He hums in response
"What is it sweetie?"- he asks
"Can you sing that song for me?"- I ask
"Of course, Palette. But first, let's get you to bed"- he takes me to my room. I lay on my bed as he find a chair to sit beside me
"Where's your dango plushie?"- he asks
I giggle as I pull the Dango out
"Here he is Daddy!"- I said, wave it in front of him, he chuckles and pats my head
"Alright, close your eyes sweetie"- I do as he said so and he started to sing (play the video above, try ur best to imagine Dream singing this song). His warm voice echo the room and I soon fall asleep under the warmth and kindness of him to me. Oh, how I wish this song will never come to an end
End of flashback
Normal P.O.V
Tears leaking out from Palette eyes as he grips the dango tighter and soon fall asleep.....

Your love had color my boring life (Palette x Cray) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now