Chap 7: Discovered

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Palette P.O.V
Hmm? Who's calling me? The voice still going, somehow I feel being shake a little, which wake me up, I open my eyes to meet a familiar face
"Mr. Cray...?"- I mumble while rubbing my eye sockets
"You're late"- he said, pointing at the clock that hanging on the wall facing us, it's 6:20, I groaned as I pulled the cover over my head
"It's still so soon, I'm not late for anything, don't we start class a-"- I cut myself off when I suddenly remembered something
"Oh and by the way, make sure to get some rest. Got it? Because you will go to my office before class, too. At 6:30"
Wait, I did late for something! I jumped off the bed and folded the blanket quickly as I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Gosh! Any day, why is it has to be this day my alarm is not working?! When I'm done, I walk fast to my closet to get my uniform and back to the bathroom again to change
"Sorry Mr. Cray, my alarm is not wo-"- I walk out of the bathroom only to be cut off by the song of my alarm. Huh?
"It's so funny of how you actually believed me that you're late and started to rush without even take a glance at your phone"- he said, smirking at me, I huff as I walk toward to my phone and turn the alarm off
"Oh, forgot to tell you, that clock on the wall had stopped working two days ago already..."- Mr. Cray said as he shrugs
"Then why don't you ask someone to fix it?"- I questioned
"Well I did, but there's still no staff had been send here yet"- he explained,"If it got fixed, then I cannot put on a little trusting test on you"- he added. Trusting test? Sounds more like a prank to me!
"Alright, let's not waste more time, we're going to my office!"- Mr. Cray said as he turned the doorknob, I started to follow behind him
Time skip...
"Mr. Cray, I'm done with the documents..."- I said, already exhausted from all the works he gave to me. Just at the moment we just stepped into his office, he got me to work right away without resting
"Good, these books need to be put away, too"- Mr. Cray simply said as he's pointing at the huge pile of books at the side of his table, I look over them and let out a loud sigh
"Any complain, Mr. Roller?"- his sudden cold voice makes me jump, but that's not going to stop me from telling him!
"W-well I do!"- I talked back,"You woke me up so early in the morning to go your office and started to ordered me around, made me work like there's no tomorrow, putting away paperworks after paperworks and I'm tired of it!"- I see Mr. Cray stay silent. In my mind, I expected he would get very mad and will going to shout back at me, but instead
"I see, you can leave now if you want to, I can take care the rest myself"- he calmly responses, which bring to my surprise, that's when the feel of guilt suddenly hits me even though I had the right to complain about it. I look over Mr. Cray, he still remains in his seat and focusing on his work quietly. Part of me inside just want to leave this room with shame, but the other part want to stay here and finish the work that he gave me so I go over to the pile of books and started to clean them up, just when I'm about to lift them
"Oh? I thought that you didn't want do it"- Mr. Cray said as he turns to look at me, sternly, I can feel my face burned from embarrassment. I tried to say something but my mouth is not forming any words, I see him shakes his head
"Would you mind leaning down a little bit, Mr. Roller?"- he gestured, I do as he said so and he knocked on my head
"H-hey, what w-was that for?"- I asked, confused at his action
"My name is not "Hey"- he said as he knocks my head again,"And no stuttering"- he gave another knock, I quickly pull myself up holding my head while Mr. Cray slightly snorted
"It's not even that funny!"- I pouted
"Yeah, it's not funny, but only for you"- he said as he chuckles and immediately goes back to his serious look,"This is just a warning, next time if you repeat this behavior again, then don't expect me to simply knock you on the head. Now get back to work"- he turns back to his work and leaving the room quite again. I slowly reach out the pile of books and bring them to the shelf, putting them in the right order. We're keep on working for a while until:
"It's almost time for class. Stop what you're doing and leave the rest to me"- he said, I take the phone from my pocket and check the time. It really is! I quickly grab my bag and say goodbye to him as I ready to walk out the door only to hear him remind me:
"Office after school, don't forget!"- I lazily nodded and take my leave but then he holds me back with one more sentence
"Oh right, I don't have to wait until after school for you to come"- he smirked at me as he said so, I quickly close the door and I walk to my class. When I reach there, I set my bag on the table as I flopped in my seat, completely drained
"Someone's look bone-tired today"- I hear Goth said, I turn to face him, letting out a weak laugh at his joke
"Yeah, very bone-tired, indeed"-I answer, Pj look up from the table
"What happened to you?"- he asked
"I just happened to work for Mr. Cray...."- I response
"But why work for him?"- Pj asked again
"Because me and him are Buddy"- both Pj and Goth had widen their eyes, looking at me, as if they don't believed what I just said, "I'm not joking..."- I added
"Well, I didn't know this day come again so soon..."- Goth said as I turn my attention to him, he putted both of his hands on my shoulder
"Palette"- he called my name
"Y-yes?"- I said, feeling uneasy and confuse
"Good luck being his Buddy, I'll always available if you need some support"- Goth said, try to smile. My face went pale a little. Oh no...I-is he gonna b-be t-t-that bad...? I nodded
"Yeah, thanks I guess?"- just when I finished my sentence, there's one student runs in
"Guy, Mr. Ink is here!"- exclaimed the student, everyone quickly go back to their seat as Mr. Ink stepped into the class and casually walked to the table
"Good morning class, I hope you all doing well. Let us begin our lesson"- as soon as we sit down, I feel Goth elbowing me, I turn to him again
"You forgot something~"- he said, I titled my head, trying to figured out what is he saying until I remembered
"Oh! That! I'm sorry, yesterday I was kinda having trouble moving my stuffs to my room and I didn't finish the drawing..."- I said
"Ah, I see, I can understand that. It seems like you really do have good memory huh?"- he said
"But you said you will show yours first so you're the one who forgot something"- I said back to him
"Palette and Goth, are you two have any questions?"- I suddenly froze at Mr. Ink's voice, I shot myself sitting straight up
"N-no sir!"- I answered as Goth react the same
"If so then please don't be a distraction for class"- Mr. Ink said
"Y-yes sir"- I responded. Well... that was embarrassing...
"Alright class, let's start our lesson for today"- he announced. Time pass and the bell rang for the last period. My star! Here's come my worst nightmare...With that thinking, I drag myself to the Prefect office as I sigh loudly while walking upstairs
"You seems frustrated"- a voice snap me out of my thought as I look up to see who's talking to meet a familiar person
"Oh, hello Scary, we meet again"- I smile at him
"Yeah"- he responded, "Why are you wander around here, aren't you suppose to be with your Buddy or something?"- he asked
"I'm going to Prefect Cray's office, he is my Buddy"- I answered
"I see..."- Scary folded his arms as he said so
"Well then how about you? Are you going to be with your Buddy?"- I asked him back, he shrugged his shoulders
"Unfortunately, I have none, so now I'm planning walking to the library and study there alone"- he said
"Alone?"- I questioned
"Alone"- Scary repeated, "Well I better head off now, I'll see you around"- he said as he started walking, waving goodbye
"Yeah, see you"- I wave back him
"Oh wait, I forgot something"- I pause and look back at Scary, he walks toward me
"May I see your hand?"- he ask
"Umm...sure?"- as soon as I reach my hand out, Scary places small bottle with somethings colorful inside
"What is this?"- I asked him
"This is sugar candy, because I saw you being very frustrated earlier so I think this might help you feeling better, I usually do this when I'm stressed or tired, it works effectively for me, not sure about you, but just give it a try"- he said, I happily accepted the bottle
"Thank you for the candy Scary"- I said, smiling
"It's nothing much, I hope you enjoy them, and also you better hurry go to Prefect Cray now, don't let him wait for you for too long"- he said, I nodded
"Uh-huh, I'll see you around!"- I said goodbye to him
"Same here"- he said as he turned his heel and started walking, I stand there waving goodbye to him until
"There you are, Starry Eyes!"- Oh great! There he is...
"Hello... Mr. Cray..."- I turned and greeted him quietly
"Hello, perfect timing to see you here"- he said
"Perfect timing?"- I questioned
A/n: Cliffhanger, jk XD. I have to stop here because this chapter is very long and also this story had 1K read already?! Thank you so much everyone ^^, I'm glad you enjoyed my story, and lastly, sorry for not being too active, I cannot promise that I'll update more often because school and stuff but I'll update stuffs when I'm free or on weekends, so stay tune for more updates

Your love had color my boring life (Palette x Cray) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now