Normality, well maybe not

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Crissi's p.o.v.

 I've been out of the hospital for about three months now, I'm actually really happy with where I've come. I smile at myself as I think of all the bad I've overcome. I slide out of bed and get swept off my feet by a pair of strong tattooed arms around my waist. I smile and giggle at his grasp, well good morning to you too babe. He wined, aww how'd you know it was me? I just walked away laughing. 

I carry my clothes into the bathroom and wash my face and stare at myself in the mirror. I go over each inch of my bare skin and my newly dyed hair. My skin is tanned and I gained 15 pounds since "the accident". I put on my Anthem made tang top and black faded shorts and make my way down stairs.

Danni's p.o.v.

 It's been about three months since Crissi came home and she's doing so well. Mike gives her pills to help her depression and we make sure she eats three times a day. Things have been really good and the guys are getting ready to leave for their tour in Australia, meaning Crissi and I are going too. Vic stumbles down stairs with a hangover from the night before. We had a party to celebrate Vic and I becoming parents in the near future. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me then rubs my belly "hello tiny me" we laugh and sit down at the table with Crissi and Mike, Tony and Jaime. 

Mike's p.o.v.

I wake up and see that Crissi is in the bathroom, so I get up and hide behind the door. She walks out and I grab her. Her sleepy little laugh is the most perfect thing I've ever heard, she kisses me and we make our way downstairs to join Danni and my brother. Vic rubs her belly and talks to it, then sits down at the table with us. Everything is quiet but then Crissi kills the silence, I can't believe you guys are going to have a baby! Danni squeals with excitement, I know. She stops and looks Crissi dead in the eyes, Crissi you're going to be the best aunt ever. I never saw Crissi's face light up so much in my life. 

Vic's p.o.v.

 I feel like the stairs are moving as I stumble down to the kitchen where I hear everyone talking, I kiss Danni and rub our little miracle inside of her belly. I take my cup of coffee and sit down and we start talking about the beautiful child that me and Danni have been blessed with. Time to get ready for the longest tour in Pierce The Veil history! 

*8 months later*

Vic's p.o.v.

We just got back from Australia when my phone rings, It's Crissi. They stayed home when we left for tour to make sure that Danni has a safe pregnancy, VIC HERWATER BROKE! *click* and she was gone. I felt like things froze for a few seconds, I turned to the guys. Lets go I'm going to be dad! I grabbed my brother by the wrist and we ran through the air port and out to the parking lot. Tony, Jaime, Mike and I piled into a cab and he drove us to the hospital. I ran in almost falling over my own two feet, NURSE what way to the delivery room, I almost scream at her. She points me down the hall and thats where I fall over Crissi, she hands me a gown and a mask and I blow through the doors. All I see is her beautiful smile, her voice is soft but so vibrant. The doctor tells her to push and thats when we hear it. The beautiful little scream, the doctor hands my baby to me. Congradulations, It's a girl! Welcome to the world, Liddia Serina Fuentes!

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