9| The feeling

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Am I in love with you? Am I in love with you?
Or am I in love with the feeling?

My Pov

It was saturday night and i'm looking at the window as people walking by and having a good ass time while i'm sitting on my bed doing fucking nothin.

"maybe i should take a shower" i thought and check my phone.


I sighed and headed to the bathroom. I took my clothes off, put my hair into a bun and hopped in a hot shower.

It makes me comfortable and i can think straight. I close my eyes and thought about my life. My school, friends, family, everything. The music sounded fluently in the backround as i washed my hair with soap.

after showering


I sang um pretty loudly and i heard my mom screaming downstairs.

"Y/N please be quiet!!" My mom yelled as shes going god knows what.

"Yeah yeah sorry mom" i laughed as i grabbed my phone to put my song pause.

Then heard someone knocked on my window. I thought it was my good friend Danisha. She always come to my house throught my window and i don't know why but i'm cool with that. i walked to my window and opened it.

"Danisha what are u doing he-" My eyes widened as i looked the person who did it. "Justin what the hell are u doing here" i rolled my eyes and smiled.

Justin was one of my high school friends. He's so funny but sometimes he can really annoy me. I think i have crush on him but fuck my feelings bruh.

"I was walking and i heard you singing. To be honest you sound like a dying sail" He chuckled. "Shut up" i tried to be serious but i failed. Then it hit me. I just have a towel wrapped around me. "Well i think i should go bye" i waved. "Hey y/n you should come with me and we could have fun and adventurious. I'll show u my favorite place c'mon" He smiled still looking at me. "Okay just give me a minute" I shut my window and put my clothes on. *Pic*

with Justin

My Pov

"Are you like walking at night often? Its like 21.30 pm" i said to him as we just walked somewhere. "Yeah i guess" He scratch back of his neck. I just nodded. "let's go" He grabbed my hand and we run in the little store. "And what are we doing here?" "Buy some snacks of course" He flipped his imagination hair and i laughed. We bought so much snacks like we had two backs of snacks.

We talked alot and laughed our funny jokes and memories. We were like drunk and people watched us as we walked like we were drunk but we didnt give A fuck.

"And then he whas lik yoo wha a fuq" Justin said and his mouth was full of chips as i laughed so much it was hard to breath. "Stop stop bruh i can't breath we need a break" i stop walking and tried to catch my breath. "Old lady" he said and laughed at his own joke. "Hahaha so funny so were are we going now?" I rolled my eyes and started to walk with him to somewhere. "Just follow me" "on instagram?" "No y/n gosh" he rolled eyes as i laughed at my own joke.

At justin's fav place

"Really Justin? Your favorite place is on the rooftop?" I said and looked around. "Yup you're right just look" He smiled widely when he saw the sunset. "Omg it's so beautiful" i said as i ate my chocolate bar. "Why do u come here?" "Just to clear my mind" he looked at me. "You must really love those chocolate bar huh?" He smiled. "Maybe" i smiled back. "Maybe? Well how do u explain word love?" He smirked.

"Love is like opposite of hate haha but i think you cant find love, love has to find you. If you think you find your true love you have to listen your heart and your feelings"

I looked at the view as i feel Justin's eyes on me. "True true" He nodded. "Yup true true true" i laughed and looked at Justin who looked at me all the time. Our eyes locked and he came closer and closer. Then our lips was was so close. "Justin-" "Trust me y/n do u trust me?" He looked my lips and i nodded my head slowly as he put his hand on my cheek. My heart was racing so fast but then the miracle happened.

Our lips moved in sync and so smoothly. The kiss was perfectly slow. Gosh his lips was so soft i didn't wanted to stop. Then we pulled back at the same time. "Like honestly always wanted to do that" he smirked. "You're so cheesy Justin" i chuckled and played with his hair. "But i know you love it" his voice was so raspy and kissed me again.

"U know i might be in love with my feelings towards you"  he looked deep into my eyes.

"Me too Justin, me too"  i respond.

Heyo guys how are you? So finally i did imagine done hahah and stay tones bc more is coming. I have summer break so yeah and thank you for 100 followers i love every single one of you❤

Qotd; say something underrated option

Aotd; I think Selena is too overrated but i think shes cool or whatever ((:

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