Vampires and Humans

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~ Austin's POV ~

Kira and I were looking for Ally. Time had froze and we figured it was cause of Dallas and Cassidy. When we finally found them, Dallas was choking Ally. I looked at Kira and she used her speed and knocked Cassidy and Dallas down. Ally hit her head on the locker and fell to the ground. Cassidy sighed and got up and helped Dallas up. They glared at me and Kira and then left. "Kira can you...?" I started. She nodded and disappeared. I went over to Ally and helped her up. Her head wasn't bleeding so that was good. "Are you ok?" I asked her. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and nodded. We started leaning in. Closer and closer.

~ Ally's POV ~

Austin and I were leaning in closer and closer. I felt like time had stop and it did. Austin's fang were still out and his eyes were the different color. When our lips touched it felt amazing, magical, really good! But he was a vampire and I was a normal teenage girl. It wasn't right but I didn't care. I put my arms around his neck while he put his arms around my waist. When we pulled apart I laid my head on his chest.

School had ended and I still haven't seen Austin since our kiss. I decided to go and see him. I knocked on his door and heard footsteps coming closer. When the door opened he said, "Oh hey Ally" I raised an eyebrow. "Austin is everything alright? You haven't talked to me since this morning" I said. He let his eyes leave me and he looked to the floor. "Yea I have just been thinking" He said. I nodded. "Austin are vampires and humans even aloud to date?" I asked. I keep thinking that all day since our kiss. He shrugged and said, "I don't know. No one ever told me they couldn't" I started thinking and I got this horrible thought in my head. "What if they didn't tell you cause they didn't think you would fall in love with a human" I said. He sighed and I walked up to him. I was crying. I put my hands and my head on his chest. His arms went around my waist and we stood there for what seemed like forever.

~ Austin's POV ~

"Mr. Moon! nice to see you here!" the head of the Vampire Council said. I nodded and waved. "I have an important question to ask you" I said. The head nodded and I asked if humans and vampires were aloud to date. "No Austin! Humans and vampire are NOT aloud to date!" she said. I felt my heart break when she said that. I begged and begged them to change that rule but the head got angry and made me leave. When I got back home Ally jumped up from her seat. "Well?" she said. I sighed and told her everything. She sighed too and started crying. "This sucks!" she said. I nodded. Why does being a vampire have to ruin my life?

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