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~ Ally's POV ~

"Your kidding me...right?" I asked knowing he wasn't lying. "I'm sorry Ally" he said. I nodded and wiped the tears away. "Well do I have to be a vampire right away or can I wait?" I asked. He shrugged, "I will go ask the head of the Vampire Council" he said and disappeared. A few minutes later he came back. "The head said you could wait as long as you want and she said these pills would help you from passing out" he said. I gave him a confused look. He sighed and rolled his eyes and said, "If you take a pill when you wake up you wont pass out or anything for 24 hours" I nodded and he handed me the pills. "Who do you want to be able to bite you?" he asked me. I thought for a moment and finally said, "You" He smiled and nodded. "Ok well when your ready just tell me" he said. I nodded. Later that day I was let out of the hospital and me and Austin headed to Sonic Boom.


Me and Austin were in the practice room preparing for tomorrow nights concert. "You ok Ally? You've been acting a little strange" Austin said. He was right, I was acting strange but that's cause I wasn't taking the pills. I wanted to wait as long as I could so I didn't take the pills. Just then everything started to get blurry and I started wobbling. Oh no! Austin was gonna find out I wasn't taking the pills. I started to walk to the door to leave but I failed. I woke up a few minutes later. Austin looked really angry and he had his fangs out and his eyes were a different color. 'I loved that, Stay focused Ally!' I thought to myself. "Why didn't you take them?" Austin asked me. I looked to the floor, tears rolling down my face and I didn't answer him. "Why didn't you take them?" he asked again raising his voice. "Cause I- I- I" I started but stopped. "Huh?" Austin said his voice was still raised. I was officially crying and I stood up and yelled too. "Cause I didn't want to!" I said. "Why did you not want to take them?" he asked. "You know what I don't even care!" he said. "I didn't take them cause I didn't want to be a vampire!" I yelled. "Well no matter what your gonna have to be a vampire!" he yelled back. "Yea, well what about what you said! I could wait as long as I wanted." I said. He rolled his eyes and said, "Yea but you were supposed to take the pills!" he said. I was really upset so I got up and left the room slamming the door behind me.


I ran into my house and went to the kitchen. I got a piece of paper and started to write a note to my family and friends.

Dear family and friends,  

I'm sorry its come to this. I have been having a rough few weeks now and Austin made it worse. Don't blame him for anything! Its basically my fault. I'm leaving and by leaving I'm kinda running away. I don't know how long I'll be gone but I do know I will be back. I might be gone for a day, week, month or a year. I hope its not longer than a few weeks. I just have to clear my head and being alone and away will help me. Please don't worry about me I will be fine. Don't come look for me either. You can but I would like if you didn't. You can call me but there is a chance I wont pick up. So I will see you all again but I don't know when.

Love, Ally Dawson <3

P.S. Make sure Austin, Trish and Dez see this note. Especially Austin...

When I finished writing the note, I left it on the kitchen table and went upstairs. I packed me some clothes. But then I figured I should just wear something to keep me warm. I put some sweatpants on, a tank top and got me a sweatshirt. I got my phone, sunglasses, wallet, headphones and I got the pills. I put my hair in a side fishtail braid. I then left the house. Its been about three hours since I left. I didn't know where I was or where I was going but I don't care. No ones called me so I guess they are listening to me or they are looking for me. Just then I heard s loud clap of thunder. I looked up to the sky and it started pouring down rain. I put my hoodie on and kept walking. I found an abandoned subway so I went down there and slept.

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