The news

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~ Ally's POV ~

The cut kept getting worse and worse but I didn't tell anyone. I didn't want to go to the hospital cause they would say they didn't know what would be wrong with me. Of course they wouldn't, I got this cut because of a vampire. My thoughts were interrupted when Austin called my name. "Ally?" he said. "Huh? What?" I asked. "You feeling any better?" he asked me. No I was not I felt like I was about to pass out! "Yea I'm fine" I said lying through my teeth. Just then things got blurry, I felt dizzy. Here it goes again.

~ Austin's POV ~

"Ally?" I asked. She didn't respond. Just then I saw Trish and Dez walking towards us. "Trish! Dez!" I yelled. They ran over to me and Trish asked what happened. "I don't know! She just passed out" I said. "We need to get her to the hospital" Trish said. I nodded and we got her into my car. Trish and Dez were up front and I sat in the back with Ally. When we got there I kept walking back and forth. All the blood around me is just hard! "Austin go home" Trish said. "But what about Ally?" I asked. "We will call you if we hear anything. But with you being here around all this blood its not a good sign" she said. I nodded and left. I was walking down the streets when Trish called. "Austin the doctors and nurses wont tell us anything" she said. That made me really angry. My eyes changed colors and my fangs came out. I used my super speed to get home quickly. I slammed the door and saw my mom and dad looking up at me with confusion. "Austin whats wrong?" my mom asked. I told her everything about Ally and the cut and how the people at the hospital wont tell us anything. I went up to my room and waited for someone to call me.

~ Ally's POV ~

I woke up and realized I was in the hospital. I sighed. I checked my phone and it was 3:48AM. I went back to bed and woke up again at 9:24AM. "Mrs. Dawson glad to see your awake" the doctor said. I nodded and rubbed my arm. It was wrapped in a bandage. "I'm afraid I have some bad news" the doctor said. Bad news? That made me worry. "Wh-What is it?" I asked. "We don't know whats wrong with your arm. And we don't know how to cure it" he said. I knew it! I sighed and nodded. The doctor left and Austin appeared in front of me. His eyes were a different color and his fangs were out. "Austin? Whats up with your eyes and fangs?" I asked. He said smelling blood and seeing blood was making him go a little crazy. "Just go get some blood" I said. "What? I don't want to have this blood from people I don't know" he said. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I mean go to your house and get some blood" I said. He nodded and left and then reappeared with a cup of blood. He took a sip and sat the cup on the counter. His teeth were red from the blood. "Austin... your teeth" I said laughing. "Oh sorry" he said. I laughed some more and he smiled.

It was around 11 when I last checked. Austin was sitting messing with his phone ad I was writing in my songbook. "Austin?" I said looking up at him. He looked up from his phone. "Yeah?" he said. "Don't leave tonight" I said. He smiled and said, "I wasn't going to" He came and sat beside me. He put his arm around my shoulder and I put my head on his chest. I looked up at him and said, "Good. Cause I will always need you!" He smiled and I smiled back at him. I soon fell asleep in his arms.

~ Austin's POV ~

I didn't go to bed at all last night just in case a doctor or nurse came in. When it was 6:00AM I went to the Vampire Council. Only the head was there. "Mr. Moon! What brings you back here?" she asked me. "I have an important question for you" I said. She sighed and said, "Austin I already told you, humans and vampires-" she started but I cut her off. "Its not that!" I started, "What happens when a vampire cuts a human in their are really deep?" I finished. She said everything that Ally had wrong with her. "How can that person get cured?" I asked. "The only way for that person to be cured is to become a vampire" she said. Vampire? I don't know how I was gonna tell Ally. She didn't want to be a vampire but the only way for her to be cured is to become a vampire. "Um thanks" I said.

I went back to the hospital and saw Ally was awake. "Hey Austin! Where did you go?" she asked me. I sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. "Ally I went to the Vampire Council and I have some bad news." I said. She looked worried and nervous. "Wha-What is it?" she asked me. I took a deep breath and finally said, "The only way for you to be cured is to become a vampire" Her mouth dropped wide open. This was not going to be easy...

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