Chapter 12: When You Hide The Truth

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Leo sat next to her on the bed. "What were you dreaming about? You were talking up a storm. When we tried to wake you, you screamed and tried to fight back."
Kai shivered as she thought of the dream. "Just a nightmare." She said shakily.
Donnie looked concerned. "We are just about to start training. We would invite you to watch can go back to sleep."
She released herself from the ball and quickly sat up, "No!...please...Is it okay if I watch you guys?"
Donnie and Leo exchanged worried looks. "Yeah, you are more than welcome. Do want to talk about...these dreams to Splinter?"
She gazed at the floor. Her vision became foggy as tears began to well up. She didn't want them to see her this way.
Still looking down she quickly wiped away the tears and managed to muster a happier voice,
"I'm fine guys. It was just one bad dream. Nothing to worry about!" She said as she forced a short, happy laugh.
She stood and grabbed her crutches still hiding her face.
"Are you sure?" Leo asked as he leaned to see her eyes.
Kai turned the other direction and lied again. "Yes totally fine! Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't handle one nightmare!"
Donnie looked at her walls.
Kai painted the one wall light blue, she used a dark green to make hills and trees, she used a white to paint clouds, making a calm forest.
"Did you do this?" Donnie said trying to lighten the mood.
Kai had finished drying her face. Once she believed her face was presentable, she turned around. "Yup." was her response as she used her crutches to walk out of the room.

Hey guys! Sorry this one is short. Again thank you so much for reading!

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