Chapter 30

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"Hey guys?" Kai said walking into the living room.
"Yeah?" They all echoed.
Lakai held out her phone, "Has anyone talked to Karai recently?" She said checking her texts, "I have been trying to contact her for the last couple of days and she has never responded."
"Well that's a shocker." Raph joked sarcastically. "A teenage girl never responding to texts?!"
Kai tossed her T-phone on the couch.
"This is serious guys! What if she's in trouble?"
"I haven't heard from her either. When was the last time anyone ever talked to her?"
Leo asked.
"She was here for pizza that one night." Donnie said. 
"The last time we talked was when I came back to live here." Kai added.
Her ears quickly dropped.
"Oh my gosh."
"What?" Mikey asked.
"She was planning on taking over another Foot shipment when I left.  What if something went wrong. I should have gone with her but I'm such a coward! I just couldn't risking seeing again.
I would just be reminded of my dead mother.
If I wasn't so careless she wouldn't be dead!" Kai growled.
The guys all looked at her. Leo stood up. 
"Kai, calm down. You need to remember it wasn't your fault."
"It was my fault and I won't let it happen again." She said. "I'm going to her house right now."
"It's late Kai. I think we all just need some rest. We will go investigate tomorrow morning. Alright?"
Kai grumbled softly and rubbed her arm. "Okay."
"Good. We will get up bright and early and head off. It's best that we all get some sleep." Leo stated.
Kai begrudgingly nodded and walked to her room.

That night, Kai rolled in her sleep.
Vibrant colors of red and white flashed in her dreams.
Something was constraining her.
She struggled and yelled, but nothing came.
She fell into darkness. Her mind became fuzzy.
She had no control.
Her heart screamed out in frustration as it bashed in its hollow cage.
Kai continued to fall.
She hoped her body would break from the fall so she could be free.
She saw the ground reach closer and closer.

Kai sat up abruptly. Her hands clenched the sheets as the haze of the dream wore off.
"What the..." she gasped quietly.
She turned to look at her alarm.
We need to leave soon. Kai thought to herself as she got dressed.
Her armor clinked in the bag she hung over her shoulder as Kai opened her door.
There was complete silence.
"Guys?" The wolf called out.
No one answered.
Kai walked to the kitchen to find it empty.
"Where is everyone?"
She knew Master Splinter was out on a personal mission of his own and wouldn't be back till next week.  She couldn't ask him.
The feeling of realization hit her.

"They left without me..."

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