Chapter Four

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There was nothing I wanted more than for my life to be less complicated than it had been for the few years.

There was nothing I wanted more than for my problems to disappear.

There was nothing I wanted more than to live a happy, peaceful life with my new family.

But it seems as though the universe has other plans for me.

I stare at the adoption papers, with a relief I finally convince myself that they are not mine. But the realisation that they are my sisters are still a shock to me. I could not fathom together a coherent sentence for at least an hour as I sat in the lounge room of the small cottage alone.

Edward and Renesmee had gone up to the house. He convinced her that it was because she needed to practice her piano if she ever wanted to be better than her father. She smiled and ran off, Edward following closely behind her. He was going to tell the others of my new situation. If there was ever a person who knew how to solve a problem like this it was a Cullen.

The more I thought about it, the more I realised that I had a decision to make. As much as I wanted to find my sisters, it would be nearly impossible in my eternal state as a vampire. And even if I did meet them, what would I say? What would I tell them?

Hi, my name is Bella, I'm your sister.

They would think that I was insane.

And even if they did believe me, just one touch would be enough to scare them away with my cold hard skin.

I continued to stare at the papers for what seemed like a decade.

When I finally broke my concentration, I went up to the house. I knew that Renesmee would be getting worried about me.


When I reached the house Carlisle stopped me in my tracks. "Bella," he started. "Edward told us of you situation, and I am so sorry that you have only found out now. But I was wondering if I could talk to you about one of the sisters that Edward mentioned."

"What about her?" I asked, unknowing to where this conversation may lead.

Carlisle led me to his office as he continued talking. "Mystic Falls, Virginia, wasn't it?" He asked and I nodded to confirm.

As I walked into his office, I found Edward already sitting at the desk, on the computer looking something up or researching it.

"When Edward said Mystic Falls, I went straight to the computer," Carlisle continued. "I knew the name sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. So, I started some research and by the look of what I have found from newspaper articles, there is a lot of vampire activity going on there."

"What? Vampires? What? How can you tell?" I questioned him at once. Vampires where my sister lives, this couldn't be some crazy coincidence, but then again, only the Cullen's know.

"Bella, come around here." Edward motioned me to stand by him so I could see the screen.

What I saw was somewhat disturbing, filling myself with fear for my unknown sister. There were pages of articles about unknown death in Mystic Falls. Car crashed, animal attacks, murder. All cover ups for the real cause. Vampires.

"What?" I whispered, so softly, still surprised that the two vampires in the room could here me.

"Bella, do you know your sister's name?" Carlisle questioned.

"Umm..." I stumbled trying to recall the conversation with Charlie. "Elena Gilbert." I said softly, continuing to read the articles that came up in front of me. If I saw her name, what would I do? The articles just kept on going. "Why hasn't the Volturi done anything to stop it? This article was dated years ago."

"I think it is best that we go, try to put a stop to it. If the Volturi aren't doing anything, I guess we have to," said Edward, looking at the man he has called his father for years for approval.

I could tell that Edward knew what I was thinking, without being about to read my mind. Carlisle would never approve, but right before I came to this conclusion, he said, "Yes, I think we need to go there, and soon."


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