Chapter Five

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We touched down in Virginia and caught a bus from the airport to Mystic Falls. It was evident that at this point we were cutting the timing really fine. The sun would rise soon and there would be no hiding our shimmering skin.

We arrived at the house with a few minutes to spare.

When we planned the trip, we found that there were no vacancies in any of the hotels or inns, but Carlisle came across this place, and we were able to rent out a couple of the rooms.

The house was more like a mansion. It was big, it was grand, and it was regal.

Salvatore. That's what it was called. The Salvatore Mansion.

It was kind of haunting and intimidating at the same time.

Edward and I exchanged knowing glances. Renesmee was curious and full of wonder. She was the one who approached the mansion and knocked on the door.

Three knocks was what she always did, but only one was needed as the door opened quickly.


'Hello,' said a man with dark hair. He shot us a big smile at first, but his expression changed when he saw Edward who was looking at him with a partly confused and partly angry expression.

We all could see it.

'Edward, what is it?' I asked.

He looked at the man in the doorway and proceeded into the house. Calmly, he said, 'Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have any blood for you.'

My eyes widened, I couldn't comprehend what Edward had just accused this man of. He had accused this man of being a vampire, but this was definitely not the case, he smelled like a human.

Seeing my concern Edward said 'Relax Bella, he can't hurt us. We are stronger,' with a smart smile on his face.

I led Renesmee into the room and past the dumbfound man who was as still as a statue in the doorway.

Then another man came down the stairs. He looked similar to the man still at the doorway, like they were brothers or something, but he had lighter hair.

'I thought I head the door open. Damon,' he said to the man still frozen at the door, hoping that he would start some introductions, but when he didn't, the new man grew a little concerned.

It was Edward that spoke up first, 'Hello, I'm Edward and this is my wife, Bella and our daughter, Renesmee, it is very nice to meet you.'

'Nice to meet you too, I'm Stephan...' he trailed off as he turned to look at his brother. Who had managed to close the door and was now walking over to us.

'Who are and what do you want?' Damon said as he looked like he was preparing for a fight.

'Damon, what the hell are you doing?' Stephan intervened pulling his brother back from an impending fight.

'Stephan, he read my mind, he knows we drink blood,'

Stephan gave us a look to which Edward said 'Just give us a chance to explain first.' He walked over to the couch to sit down and gestured to the other two men to sit opposite him.

'My name is Edward Cullen and I was born in 1901,' he began. Even with this one simple fact we could see the expressions of the men change. They were speechless. 'When I was seventeen, I was dying of Spanish Influenza when a man named Carlie Cullen found me and he turned me into a vampire.'

'You're not a vampire, you're not like us,' said Damon.

'That is true, we are not like you, I think we are different species,'

'We?' Questioned Stephan glancing at Renesmee and I.

'Yes, well kind of, it's a long story,' I glanced at Renesmee recalling the memories of her birth. When I looked back, it was clear to see that they both wanted me to continue on with the story. 'I'm a very new vampire, less than a year old. I was eighteen almost nineteen when I changed.' I could see the looks on their faces with Renesmee sitting beside me. She definitely looked too old to be birthed by anyone my age. 'Anyway, I wanted to become a vampire and Edwards condition to that was that I marry him. Then came the honeymoon...' I trailed off. 'We didn't think it was possible for a human to get pregnant from a vampire, but it turns out it is and only a couple of weeks later Renessme was born.'

'Weeks?' Asked Stephan.

'Yeah, you see...she is a hybrid, half vampire, half human. And for what ever reason, she developed extremely quickly. And she is still growing rapidly now, she hasn't even turned one yet.'

The pair were speechless.

'Let me attempt to answer your questions,' Edward began. 'We drink blood, be don't have it running through our veins, though our family only drinks animal blood. We have excellent hearing, we are really strong and fast. We don't sleep but when we go into the sun we sparkle, and we turn people into vampires by injecting venom into their bloodstream. And sorry Damon, but I'm not going to tell you how to kill us.'

'What, so you're a mind reader?' Said Damon arrogantly.

'Yes,' Edward replied as Damons face went pale.

'Some of our kind have gifts, Edward can read minds and Renesmee can show you her thoughts with a touch. I'm a shield, which means others gifts don't work directly on me. Like Edward can't read my mind, but Renesmee can for some reason. We think that she might have the ability to penetrate shields.'

Damon stood up and walked down the hallway. 'I need a minute, or thirty,'

'Umm... that's a lot to process,' started Stephan. 'But why exactly are you here?'

'Were trying to find my sister, my parents were forced to put her up for adoption at birth and I only just found out. Her name is Elena, Elena Gilbert.'


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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