Chapter Two

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The weekend that I was spending with my Mum at my old house in Pheonix was over. We sorted through all of the stuff and I am now driving back to Forks and the Volvo is full.

There was tonnes of stuff to go through, including lots of photos, school work, and by beloved book collection that I couldn't originally take to Forks. We sold most of the furniture, and Mum was staying down there longer so that the house could be sold.

Being in Pheonix with Mum was hard because it is sunny there (almost all of the time, but we were lucky and got an overcast day), and also, I knew that that was the last time I was ever going to see her. I mean I couldn't go back.


When I got home Renessme came running out from the house and greeted me with a big hug. "I missed you so much Mummy," Renessme said.

'I missed you too," I said.

I greeted everyone and went inside for a little while before asking Emmett if he could help take some of the boxes back to the cottage. Between Edward, Emmett and I we had to make three trips to get everything to the cottage.

"Mummy, can I start looking through the stuff?"

"Yes, of course, and if you have any questions you can ask me." I said back to her over joyed face.

"I missed you Mummy."

"I missed you to Renessme."

She ran over to the boxes that filled out tiny little cottage and started going through them, inspecting each item carefully, asking a lot of questions and then sorting them into piles. After about an hour she had gone through about one third of the boxes. Edward and I were watching her doing this long task when her facial expression changed and the room went dead silent. I looked to Edward and he just stared at me, I knew that he could see through Renessme what the problem was.

"Mummy," she said in a small confused voice still looking down at the bottom of the cardboard box.

"Yes," I asked almost scared what she was about to say.

"What are adoption papers?" She said as she looked up towards me.

I was left speechless.

"Come on Resessme, time for bed," said Edward.

Renessme followed without a word with a worried look on her face, like she had stumbled across something that she wasn't meant to.

I was left alone in the room, with about a million thoughts going through my head. I approached the box cautiously and took out the papers.

There was not one, but three papers there. One for a girl called Hermione, one for a girl called Elena and one


I am my parents child through and through, I look so much like my mum and I act a lot like my dad, there was no way that I was adopted.

I grabbed the papers and ran to Charlie's house, I needed answers.


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