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We finally reached the Hargeon port after two hours. "Is this what I think it is..." I muttered to myself getting down from Cristina, looking at the current state of Hargeon port. The whole town was down and quite silent. You can almost hear a pin drop. The streets were in a mess and some parts were covered in garbage and blood stench all over the ground and some parts of the building.

"Do you really think those demons from Tartaros are the ones who are responsible?" I said and Ichiya nodded. "Indeed, its exactly what Laxus said and we're here to find out their motive and everything else. But first, we need to check whether is there any survivors. Maybe they could tell us what's going on. Okay we shall split up!" All of us were split into two teams and somehow me and Jellal are on different team.

I sighed heavily putting on my gun at the side of my waist. "Mom stay here, at least you'll be safe." She winked back, "Don't worry about your mother. I'll be waiting here." Then I heard Hibiki yelling from afar, "I found a survivor! Over here quick!" We all quickly ran to the spot and found Hibiki was checking the pulse of a lady passed out on the streets. "Is she okay?" I asked kneeling beside Hibiki. "She's still breathing barely but we'll need to wait for a while for her to regain her conscious."

"If you guys are planning on waiting there's zero chance that she would ever wake up." I heard someone was talking as I turned around finding Wendy standing from behind. I gasped, "What are you doing here Wendy?" She sighed flipping her hair before responding, "Well, I was here few days ago with Laxus and the others."

"Hold on Laxus is here?" said Eve as Wendy nodded. "Well, we were waiting for you all. Best if you all could follow me." she said turning her back and started walking off. Its been days ever since I last saw Wendy. I remembered Jellal telling me that she was a vampire and was close with Kagura. "Tell me Wendy, since when you were with Laxus?" She gave a soft smile, "Its a long story but I could tell you that me and Kagura decided to part ways since the incident happened. She said she needed some time to think and of course she wants to deal with her older brother alone for some matters. Well, I also agreed along and decided to work for Laxus under a condition that I'll have to control my thirst." So that's why she was depressed when we last saw her. I felt bad for Kagura, she has been going through a lot. "Anyway we might need to concentrate on the matter here first. Last night we spotted few more ships were destroyed by those demons from Tartaros."

I gasped, "And did you managed to capture one of them?" She shook her head, "No, but we did managed to save some survivors and somehow they told us some information about the demon. Out of the subject, how's your relationship with your werewolf?" I blushed. "Well I...ah..." She let out a smirk inching closer making me even feel more embarrassed. "Its okay if you don't want to tell, but from what I see, I can tell that your relationship is closer!" I snapped, "What?!? It's not like that! I mean you...could...say that..."

Suddenly I felt strong arms grabbing me and Wendy from behind right before a blast impacted the streets. I panted realizing it was Jellal. "Jellal...what's going on?" He got up taking few breaths, "We're under attack, its best if you two headed to where Laxus and the others are." He was about to leave but I gripped his hand, "Wait, don't tell me you are thinking of fighting against one of them?" He nodded, "I'll buy some time while the rest of you run. There's no one else that could hold off those demons." I was getting worried. I can't let that happen again after all the fighting against Simon and everything else. "I can't let you just leave like that."

"Can't you just listen to me for once!"

"No, you listen to me! I can't be sitting down and doing nothing! I don't want to worry anymore, let's just run away!" He sighed heavily letting go of my hand. "Just go."

"Don't be stubborn Jellal!" I yelled. Wendy got off from the ground. "Just go on Erza, I'll try to give some backup support." I hitched, "But..."

"Just go Erza! I can't be worrying about you while fighting." said Jellal with a glare in his eyes. I clenched my fists and took my run from the place.


"Stay sharp, he's gaining on us." I said and Wendy nodded. Soon enough within a split second a demon leaped up in the air and started releasing his attacks on us. We both dodged at the same time as the attacks hit the ground causing a massive hole over the ground.

"I like the way little flies running away from my attacks!" The demon laughed continuing releasing his explosive blasts. "Now come and get some bastards..." I ran over giving a hit from the side. He growled making eye contact with me and laughed. "Its you again...the werewolf from before that almost got lord Mard Geer, Kyoka and Seilah. You and those filthy wizard friends of yours...are going to pay!" I gripped one of his fists and gave a high kick throwing the opponent off the building. "You're not supposed to touch him!" said Wendy from the back. Before I could reply my hands were glowing right before the explosion happened.


"Jellal!" I yelled landing on the ground, running towards Jellal. He hissed rubbing at the back of his head. "Geez that explosive almost got me off." I noticed his wounds were slowly releasing some gas, recovering slowly back to normal. "I can say you also got some quite healing magic as mine." He grinned, "Well, that's one of the werewolf's specialty."

"Are you guys done talking already?" He impaled his explosive breath towards us. I blocked using one of my sky magic, blowing away the attack. "Sky roar!" He got back up again and released more of his explosive magic circles everywhere. It was so fast that it got the two of us trapped in one of the circles. "Dang it!"

"Hahaha, try moving again, it could kill you off again." he said laughing to himself. What should we do now...then I heard Jellal laughing. "So does it matter anyway..."

"What are you trying to pull here?" I said but I stopped, eyes widened realizing of what he might do next. "I know you have healing abilities but this is way too over, even for you." He grinned making his move as the magic circles started glowing. The demon laughed, "You are really stupid aren't ya? Didn't I warned you that one move it could kill you both!" Jellal walked along as he stopped hitting both his hands on the ground as the magic circles exploded from the ground.

I closed my eyes getting ready for the impact but nothing happened. I opened seeing Jellal absorbing all the explosive attacks. A sudden golden aura was emerged around him. He grinned back at the demon, "Today's not your day demon..." I gasped feeling blown by his next attack. He raced against the demon using one of his technique fighting skills knocking him off the ground hard using both his arms and his right leg. "Incredible..."

Soon the magic circles died down and I could move again. "How did you managed to pull off that attack?"

"I don't know but somehow I felt like my body was in control. I could feel my instincts are getting more sensitive and my attacks were stronger than before." said Jellal before the demon could get up from the floor again transforming into a large monster with sharp claws and it almost look like a werewolf.

"I won't be defeated by such insects!" He started rampaging shoving his claws right at Jellal's direction. "Lookout!" I yelled. Jellal closed his eyes inhaling before he could strike his arm with his own claws. The demon wailed in pain before giving another one of his blasts. "Damn you!" Jellal calmly defended his attack and soon went offense at the demon, knocking him out for good.

The demon transformed back to his original self passing out on the streets. Jellal was panting taking a few deep breaths before chaining up the demon's hands. "We should take him in custody." I nodded, "Well, the least I could do is to lead us both back to where Laxus and the others are. We were waiting for you arrival anyway." Jellal carried the unconscious demon on his back following me from behind. "So what are you going to say to your girlfriend? She was really worried about you back there..." I asked. He was silent for a while before replying back, "I'll apologize later, I hurt her feelings again hah..." I sighed, "I understand your intentions, you were just trying to protect her, I guess she didn't see that coming." Jellal gave a soft smile, "Its funny how a young vampire like you could see these things." I grinned back, "You'll never know..." 


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