Chapter 2

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~~~The next day~~~

Got up extra early to fix my family breakfast. After I fixed breakfast for my family I cleaned up their mess. I finally got to eat. There wasn't much left thanks to my step dad. I ate and rushed to school not wanting to be late. I have my own car that I worked hard to pay for. I had to quit my old job because we were moving.Its not the best but it gets me to and from wherever I need and wherever my parents want to go. As I walked in the school everyone staring and whispering started again like yesterday. I just sat in the gym again and waited for the bell to ring. As the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and walked to my locker. As I was walking I was being pushed and shoved around by other students. Go figure I knew this would happen everyone being rude to me because I am new. I still don't understand why I had to move. Especially in the middle of second semester too! I don't understand anything about my life. During school I was late to one class because I couldn't get my locker open. I even asked the teacher I had next to help me and she did but I was still late. I don't completely understand that at all. So after school I had a dentition. WOW second day of school at its like i am the most wanted criminal on the entire face of the earth. Man what is wrong with me. So lunch time rolls around and I find an empty table, not the one I sat at yesterday, and sat down. I ate my lunch and did some of my homework that I have received. I look at the time and then realised that there was someone next to me. I looked and it was the same boy from yesterday. I took my tray up and dumped it. When I came back he was gone. I mean gone like left the lunch room gone. I was like that was weird. I finished out the day at school. The final bell rang and i went to the office where I would be spending the next half hour. Hopefully I wouldn't be late for work tonight. The half hour went by quickly and I hurried and gathered my things and ran to my car. I knew I was going to be late for work. I had to be there by 4:00 and it was 3:45 and I still had to go home to change into my uniform. It takes a good 30 minutes to get there.  I work at a local Italian restaurant.I don't really like waitressing but it gives me money for my car the rest goes to my parents. I walk in at home and changed into my uniform. I walk back into the main room and was greeted by a smack to my face. I am like "what the hell." then I was smacked again. There stood my mother and my step dad. My step dad said where have you been and don't you dare cuss at me. I said that I needed help with homework so I stayed after to get help. I know lying is bad but if I told him that i got in trouble then he would really hurt me. He said "you were huh?" and I said "yes." At that moment I really regretted lying to him because what came next was bad. He punched me and kicked me down. I cried out in pain but quickly stopped myself, because I would know it would only make it worse. He was screaming at me on how I should be a good girl and not get in trouble at school. I tried to explain what happened but he wouldn't listen too me. He told me to get  out of his house and go to work. I limp to my car and try to hurry so I wouldn't be any later. I pull up to work and fix my make-up so no one would notice the hand prints left on my cheeks. The rest of the damage was hidden by clothes but i dared not to look at it. I walk into work. Late. All I hear next is WHITNEY



Ok so sorry this may have mistakes. Please message me if you have any ideas I do have this story planned out but if i like the idea or if it goes with my plans then I may add it. :) SO thanks to all my readers. ALSO if you anyone ever needs to talk I am here Just saying. Message me

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