Chapter 7

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This story is dedicated VegaNyxOme because she gave the great inspiration for this chapter :)


I sit down on the couch and wait for him to talk to me. I was thinking maybe he has changed, and how my life may be changing. I must have gotton to lost in my thoughts to notice him coming at me, because the next thing I know is being knocked into the wall. I scream out in pain and I feel warm liquid run down the side of my face.

Why did you lie to me! You know better! Why are you so stupid! my step father yelled.

I don't know was the only answer I could get out of me with all the pain.

That is not an answer! my step father replied.

I didn't get a chance to reply because I was repeatedly smashed into the wall and other various things. I started to see spots until everthing went black.

Beep Beep Beep

What is that I thought to my self.

Beep Beep Beep

Sh*t its my alarm clock. 9:04 Crap I am late to school. Not a good thing. I rush out of bed and later regretted that because I felt a wave of nausea hit me. What in the world happen last night. It didn't matter I had to get to school so I didn't get into trouble. Rushed to get dressed and threw my hair up not bothering to brush it. I grab a banana to eat on the way to school and rush out to my car. I get in and go to school.

I walk in just as the bell to third period was ringing. I go to my locker to gather the materials needed for the class. I walk down the hall and notice that people were giving me weird looks. I wonder why but I wasn't going to stop and ask either. I get to my third hour class and everyone stares at me. I go to my seat and start taking notes with the rest of the class. After notes were done, my third period teacher Mr. Hampton pulled me out of class and told me I needed to go to the office. I asked why and he said that I would understand once I had gotton there. I walk into the office and no one was in there so I walked into the nurses room. She looks up from her desk and shock was plastered on her face. She asked me what happened and I told her that Mr. Hampton sent me here. She brought me to a mirror and I looked in and gasped in shock. I couldn't believe what I saw. Blood was crusted in my hair and I had bruises every where. But I couldn't remember what happened. I told the nurse what happened that morning on how I woke up late and everything, She was very skepital of my story but honostly I don't remember what happened. The nurse helps me get cleaned up and I go back to class.

Lunch is finally here! I grab my lunch and sit down. Then out of the corner of my eye I see someone sit down next to me. I look and see the boy who sat there a few days ago. He started talking to me. He asked if I was alright.

I said ya why wouldn't I be?

He said after last night I didn't think you were going to be ok.


Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2012 ⏰

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