Chapter 1

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Emma had 2 other siblings they were twins one a boy and one a girl and the twins were six and she had a mommy and a daddy. She woke up and felt something wet she looked down at the bed and she saw that she wet the bed and she woke up her mom and she changed the bed sheets and she went to bed. A little bit later it was still night and she woke up and she saw pee again so she woke mom up and she Said. I'm afraid your going to have to wear diapers what no I'm sorry but you have to wear diapers. She went to the twins room and pulled out some old baby stuff such as baby powder and baby oil diapers nappys and other brands.
She then brought it all in including a changing mat with restraints she laid it down. Emma tried to run but couldn't and mom grabbed her and set her down on and she moved so she put restraints on her. She then put the diaper on her and she asked her daughter if she was going to have to put plastic pants on her so she doesn't take off the diaper. Emma says I'll be a good girl very well. She puts all the stuff up and Emma blushed and Emma got back into bed. Oh yeah Emma the bathroom off limits at night. She moans and goes back to sleep and later she wakes up and feels wet omg tell me I just didn't I did. I just peed omg about an hour later she began crying causing mommy to come in and she says shh it's ok mommy got you. She pulls out the mat and lays her down on it and doesn't use the restraints because she is being good. She undoes the straps and changing her.

Emma diaper problem Where stories live. Discover now