Something worth dying for

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This chapter is going to be more of a mini chapter, it's going be like five hundred words.
Johns POV
Hey john here is a list of all the things you need from the hospital to cure Emma: blood type a positive and o negative: mix some trazdome and meloxicam aka  medicine.
      John do you want us to come with you?
No, Incase things go south, then your Emma's last hope, I head out to the hospital and I bring a black Skye mask and I put it on and then I get some rope and a duffel back for the supplies, then I walk over to Emmas crib and kiss her on the head and head out.
Time is approximately 4:30 am
I take one last look and head out, it's still dark so I rush to the hospital hoping to make it back before Emma wakes up, I arrive at the hospital and I go to the back of it , I look around for something to throw at the Window to get in and I find a brick and I throw it into the window and it breaks and then I reach in the bag and I pull out a rope and I throw it up into the window and I grab ahold and pull myself up.
Then I look around for something to tell me what part to the hospital I'm in, I find a map on the wall and it tells me that there is medical supply closets on the second floor, it also tells me I'm the fourth floor, I find a staircase and take it instead of the elevator because it would be too suspicious, after a thousand stairs and I still haven't reached the second floor, I stopped at the third floor and decide to take the elevator the rest of the way down.
I took it down and unfortunately some security guard entered the elevator and I had to knock him out, he's alive but asleep and finally after what seems like forever, the elevator stops and I'm greeted with more security guards, hey guys is this not the bank, and then a guard charges me and I say guess not, I knock him and his buddy's out and I finally reach the medical closets and I grab my duffel bag and started gathering supplies.
The closets are are alphabetically labeled, the first closet says a through m and then I find a package labeled blood tester and I Take that and put in the bag Incase there is no coolers with blood, I find another closet that says n through t and then I find another closer that says u through z, I go back to the closet With n through t and I go to last pouch and pull out medicine labeled trazdome.
I put a lot of it in the bag and then I go back to the first closet I found and I dig through the last pouch and find another medicine labeled meloxicam and I put it in the bag and then I look for both the blood types I need but I can't find them anywhere and then I remembered the blood tester I pulled it out and I grab the bag and I went back to we're the guards were knocked out and I hooked up the machine to them and a miracle happened, the guard on the left had a positive and the guard on the right had o negative.
I went back to the storage closet and go an transfusion bag and a needle to draw the blood and quickly drew it, so I could get out of there fast, and right when I was about to leave I got a phone call from my group back at bunker with Emma.
John you there, yeah I'm here what is it, yeah we need you to make one more errand that we forgot to mention, we need you to break into the pentagon and get the h2m1 virus back, it's the only way to cure Emma, she has to be exposed to it again along with all the other items you've collected in order to cure her, you need me to do what?
To be continued

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