Welcome to Coyote Country

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Alyssa's POV

It's my first day of senior year. We just moved to West Canaan Texas two weeks ago and I'm really nervous for my first day. I mean small town and now just walking into school I'm sure no one will even talk to me. This town is pretty big on football though so maya be I'll have something to talk about if I'm ever asked. Since it's extremely hot as hell in August I just threw on some short jean shorts a navy blue tank top and white converse. I grabbed my backpack before we left as well. My mom drove me to school since my dad works in the city about three hours away I don't see him much. We arrived, she wished me luck and told me to have a great day. I got out of the car and walked through the doors to my new school for the next 9 months. 

Going into the office they gave me my schedule and locker number with a combination. I headed out into the hallway, found my locker and a bunch of guys hooting and hollering as I walked past them to my locker. They were all wearing varsity letterman jackets so I'm guessing they were on the football team. I put in my combination and it got stuck. I tried my best not to look stupid while they were watching me from across the hall but I just couldn't seem to get the locker opened. Suddenly out of nowhere a guy with shaggy brown hair came over to me and pushed the lock just right opening it for me. I looked over at him as he smiled kinda shyly. I said "Thanks so much, I'm Alyssa Moore." I put a book or two into my locker as he spoke saying "Sure thing, I'm Jon Moxon but everyone just calls me Mox." I smiled sweetly towards him as I shut my locker and said "Nice to meet you, oh and nice letterman I hear footballs a pretty big deal around here." He scoffed saying "Kinda a big deal. It's all anyone here talks about but I mean it's alright." I nodded my head in understanding and said "So your obviously not into it that much unlike your friends over there?" He shook his head and said "No, I mean it's fun and all but it's not my lifelong dream to become a football player or anything like that." I said "That must mean that your not the starting star quarterback or anything like that right?" He smiled a bit more and laughed saying "Well, I'm actually the second string quarterback so if anything happens to Lance then I guess I will be the star." I laughed a little and said "I'm sure Lance wouldn't be too happy about that now would he?" As I spoke those words the bell rang and I headed off to my first class. I called back to him before I got too far "It was good to meet you Mox, hope to see you play sometime." I turned back to smile at him. The only people left in the hall was Mox and the four guys he was hanging around with, they all stared at me as I walked away. 

Later on in the day at lunch I headed into the lunchroom. I was pretty hungry.  I made my way through the line and just as I walked out into the room full of bustling tables I was pulled to sit with a group of girls who I assumed to be the popular girls. They all looked indentical to each other with there blonde hair and similar looking outfits. The girl who pulled me to sit smiled at me and said "Hey there, I'm Darcy you must be new here cause I've never seen you here before." I smiled back saying "Yeah, I just moved here from Florida I'm Alyssa." We chatted a bit about life and school. But soon enough she was asking me if there were any cute guys I was checking out so far and honestly I didn't really have anyone to say. I mean Mox was just being nice to be this morning and he seems like a nice guy but I'm sure he already has a girlfriend. She mentioned that she was with Lance Harbor, star quarterback of the West Canaan Coyotes. She told me they were going to Florida State together cause Lance got a full ride to play for them. I thought to myself with all this talk about Lance I wonder what he is really like. 

Darcy and I exchanged numbers and she told me I should try out for cheerleading. I told her I'd think about it but I'd have to think fast cause try outs are after school tomorrow. We hugged goodbye and I made my way to one of my last classes. I grabbed a seat towards the back of my math class. I wasn't too great at math so I was actually taking a junior class but it wouldn't affect my gpa or anything. I met this girl Jules. She was really nice and seemed to be a good friend we talked for a bit in class and between classes. I found out she was Lances sister and Mox's girlfriend. I saw them after school and waved. Mox waved me over and I came to say to see what he wanted. He said "You should meet the rest of the guys." I said "Sure why not just as long as there as nice as you." He laughed a bit and said "Well don't get your hopes up too high there." They were all hanging out by this big ass Chevy truck. Mox came up and said "Guys I want you to meet my new friend Alyssa Moore she new here so I want ya'll to be nice to her." The two guys in the bed of the truck hopped out and introduced themselves. One of them was the only African American his name was Wendell Brown. The other guy was a real player I could tell his name was Charlie Tweeder but preferred to be called Tweeder. The big guy with the pig was Billy Bob he seemed like a trip. Finally coming out from behind the truck with his baseball cap backwards was none other then Lance Harbor himself. He smiled towards me and said "It's nice to meet you Alyssa, my that's a pretty name." I smirked and said "Why thank you Mr. Harbor I'm sure you use that on all the girls don't ya?" All the other guys Ohhhed at my comeback and he just scoffed sweetly and said "No ma'm just you and I mean it." I replied saying "Ma'm what am I your mother? Well at least I know that you don't want to get in my pants now." All the guys broke out into laughter while Lance just stood there shocked that I wasn't swooning over him probably. I smirked a bit more sexily and said "Well I guess I'll see you guys around, bye Mox." He waved goodbye while the rest of the guys watched as the swayed my hips back to the school building. 

My mom called me telling me she would be late she had to go into town and was caught up at the store. Jules went home with her dad and Darcy went out to the mall. There wasn't much for me to do so I wandered around to the football field. I took a seat on the bleachers and watched as the players came out of the locker room getting ready to practice. There were a few older gentlemen down lower watching as well. I watched they and understood all the plays that they were making. I recognized all the guys out there as well. They were practicing hard while the coach still kept yelling at them, well everyone but Lance. After awhile while the coach was talking to some scouts the guys started messing around and Tweeder noticed me sitting up in the stands watching intently. He came over to the railing and said "Sweetheart someone wants you to come down here and show him how much you actually know about this game." I smiled and said "Would that be the young man who called me ma'm earlier this afternoon?" He giggled a bit and said "Yes it would be doll face." I came down the steps and walked onto the field. I glanced over at the bench and noticed Mox reading through the playbook I shouted "Hey Mox I think you might want to watch this." He was startled but got up and joined the other guys still teasing Lance about earlier. I came over, pushed Lance out of the way and said "Are we gonna play or not?" They all looked as bit shocked but once I gave them a play to run they all got into position. I was one of the wide receivers so once the ball was snapped I ran down field. Lance launched a beautiful pass to me as I caught it I kept running all the way into the end zone. I ran back to them all as they stood together with there jaws to the floor. I laughed gave Lance the ball and said "That's how it's done and don't you dare say thank you ma'm." I began to walk away slowly since I pretty much was dying from running so much. I heard him yell back "Thanks a lot ma'm." I scoffed to myself and thought of something to really rattled him so he wouldn't call me that ever again. I stopped and reached down to the hem of my tank top and removed it revealing my bombshell push-up bra. My chest looked more amazing then it normally would in a normal bra so I turned around and shouted "I don't think a girl who looks like this should be called ma'm don't you think?" They all shocked there heads no as they could keep there eyes off me. I walked away grabbed my bag and noticed me mom had texted me that she was in front of the school now. I walked back put my shirt back on and drove home with her. Today was one hell of a first day I'll tell you that. 

*I know I haven't written anything in awhile but I just recently watched the movie Varsity Blues again and I fell back in love with it. It is a good movie you should watch it. But I felt like writing a story about it so this is it. I hope you all like it and feel free to tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote as well. Thanks for reading I really appreciate it.💕

American Dream {Varsity Blues Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora