Chapter 7

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One week later we had another sleepover. I was so excited. When I arrived we greeted each other and went upstairs. We played with the Wii for a long time, when I just came.

"Okay guys, lets talk" Sarah said. "I'm so happy you didn't invite London and Ana, they kind of annoy me."

"Okay lets talk about who people like." Jane said. "Oh, Selena, Kyle likes you!"

I was so surprised about that. I thought that I would be the girl that no one likes, yet still is not the stupid nerd or whatever. "WHAT?!" I answered. I was kind of upset that it wasn't Jake who likes me.

"He really does. He talkes about you all the time!" 

I felt myself blushing. "I wonder who Brandon likes" Julia said.

We stayed up until like three in the morning talking about this. Then came a monday that changed everything.

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