Chapter 11

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Nothing changed in the next couple of days. I usually just called Jake over and we watched a movie or something. But something that day was different.

"Ok, ok. What movie do you want to watch? We have 'Mean Girls', 'The Notebook', or 'Finding Nemo'." I asked him.

"I don't know you choose" he answered with a funny look. I could tell that there was something he wanted to tell me. I put in 'The Notebook', since he wasn't in the mood for a funny movie.

"What's wrong?I know that look, it's not a good one" I said.

"I have something to tell you. Well today... a girl kissed me" 

"What girl?"

"She's from my old school, her name is Lillie." I looked at him, not sure what to say. I could see how disappointed he was.

"Jake, I really like you, so I forgive you. Without you, I don't know how lonely I would be." That's when I realized that everyone needs a second chance. I needed to forgive my friends! They've apologized so much! "I think I need to go somewhere Jake. Sorry, it's urgent"

"Okay, where?"

"I have to forgive my friends!" Then I closed the door. I texted May and she said that they were all at Sarah's house.

"Oh, hey!" Sarah said after I knocked. 

"Hey! I just wanted to say sorry for being mad so long. I forgive you! I've missed hanging out together" Then all of them came and we hugged. It was like everything was perfect. I texted Jake and told him that I'm staying at Sarah's. But not only that, I also told him that I was ready to tell everyone about us! 

I guess that there is a happy ending to every story.

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