Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to 6th Grade Class

It started out as a normal Monday. I got up and ready, nothing special. Then I arrived at school.

"Hey," I said. "Where's Sarah, May, and Hannah?"

"I have no idea" Jane answered. 

"Well I have to go put this book back." I said.

I walked to the room and heard Sarah's voice. I know it's bad to do this, but I decided to listen to their conversation. 

"I know right, she is just so weird!" she said.

"She should start doing a different hairstile its always the same." Hannah said.

"And she should start just acting normal!" May said. "I'm like... calm down Sel! Stop being so crazy... by crazy I mean it in a bad way"

I couldn't believe that my "BFF's" were talking about me behind my back! I felt my heart crush into millions of pieces as I started to cry. But they just continued their conversation about me. 

"I don't get how she gets such good grades if she such a retard and so stupid" Sarah said.

"I don't get how Kyle can like such a... uhh... weird girl." Hannah said.

Then I decided to walk in the room. I saw them look at my wet face with horror that I overheard their conversation. 

"Oh.. Selena.." Sarah said.

"How could you?" I answered with tears rolling down my cheecks. I put my book back and ran out of the room.

Usually people go to the bathroom when they have to cry, but I go to this other place. Our school is located near this park. I always go there and sit on a bench and cry, since no one goes there.

As I was going there I heard foot steps behind me.

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