What A Young Girl Should Not Know

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Chapter one is now edited. Yay.
I'm writing this before I start and I'm already NOT EXITED haha. Quarantine really got me doin this.

Oh! I also thought I would include songs I listen to while editing. I won't guarantee they go with the mood but, hey, it's a song?

Song: Dear Society - Madison Beer (Lyrics)
(I really wrote and published dead society at first- it's late I'm sorry.)

Also thinking of putting some Easter eggs in. Comment if you spot them.


"Do you know what your problem is?" The individual's e/c colored eyes glance to his apprehensive face. "You can't live with fact that someone might just leave." As the man fought for something to retaliate with, his face reddening and eye flickering, a soft sigh was heard from the other. "Please don't try respond, it's really not that deep." They grimace, standing up. "Y/N! Wait-" The individual, Y/N, saunters over to her original seating, where 3 anxious teens sit.

A shaky hand combs through caramel hair, dark blue eyes looking to the new comer. "What did he say?" The corner of her mouth peaks up and she feels her heart beat a little faster as she sits down. "I left before he could say anything. You should've seen the look on his face, though."

"See, Lance, I told you that you were worrying for no reason!" The boy to his right, Hunk, smiled gleefully. "Thank you for doing that, Y/N." The other boy to his left, Pidge, added on. "Anytime, I'm just happy I could help. I can't believe the audacity of some people." The bell, a soft and robotic; but effective tone goes off, and the four set off to class.


Tap. Tap. Tap tap. Tap. Her pencil bounces off the wooden surface with ease, her head bobbing up and down in turn with the music coursing through her headphones. Tap. Tap. Tap tap tap. Tap tap. Tap- she pauses in her movements, turning toward her door. Shrugging the noise she thought she has heard off, she returns to her previous duty, studying. A dreadful task honestly. But how else was she supposed to ace, then actually fail, all those quizzes Mr. Landun gave in class? Y/N sighd, and then pauses again. Maybe there was a noise at the door.

Sliding her headphones off, Y/N goes up to the bulk of steel and opens it, revealing- "Lance? Hunk? Lights off was 10 minutes ago, what's up?" Spotting the look in Lance's eyes she backs away slightly. "No. I am not sneaking out with you again." The Cuban smiles at her, and next thing she knew they were sneaking off toward a certain gremlin's dorm.

"Why do I always get dragged into these little adventures? If Mr. Iverson told you to bond as a team, why am I heRE?!" "Shhh, Y/N! Your going to attract attention!" The girl's eyes roll seemingly into the back of her head, but nevertheless, she quiets.

The trio finally reaches Pidge's dorm, only to see him sneaking out himself. "Did you guys all plan this or something? Isn't this like, illegal?" Lance's eyes narrow at her in annoyance. "No, I don't know where he's going. Hunk?" You both look to him. "Don't look at me."

"We should follow him!" Lance suggests. "What? No! I say we just go, sneak into the kitchen, get a little bedtime snack, and sneak out." Y/N shrugs, "I don't care what we do, as long as I don't get kicked out of this place." "Good! Hunk, your out voted, to follow Pidge we go!" "What- Y/N didn't even vote for yours! C'mon!"


"You come out here to rock out?" Pidge yelps and slaps the headphones off of himself, scooting away. "Oh, Lance! Oh uh, no, just, lookin' at the- stars." "Huh, where'd you get this stuff- doesn't look like garrison tech." The ginger smirks haughtily, "I built it."

"You built all this?" Hunk's fingers inch closely to the tech before being slapped away. "Ah-" "Hey!" "-Stop it. With this thing, I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system." Y/N eyes the glowing screen. "That right?"

"All the way to Kerberos?" Lance questions. Pidge sags his shoulders and make a noise of defeat. "You go ballistic every time the instructors bring it up, what's your deal-" Pidge straightens out. "Second warning, Hunk!"

"Look, Pidge, if we're gonna bond as a team-" "Y/Ns here." "If we're gonna bone as a team we can't have any secrets." Pidge slumps forward. "Fine. The world as you know it is about to change. The Kerberos mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake.-" He angrily turns to Hunk, "Stop touching my equipment!" He calms. "-So I've been scanning the system and picking up alien radio chatter."

Y/N's eyes widen. "Woah what-" "Aliens?" Hunk finishes. "So, your insane. Got it." "I'm serious. They keep repeating one word. Voltron. And tonight, it's going crazier than I have ever heard it." Y/N scoots a little closer to the group, looking to Lance as he speaks. "How crazy?" Lance arches his brow.

Iverson interrupts the conversation through the speaker, "Attention, students, this is not a drill! We are on lockdown! Security situation Zulu Niner. Repeat: all students are to remain in barracks until further notice."  "What's going on?" Y/N's voice comes out breathy, she freezes into place. "Is that a meteor!?" Hunk panics. "A very... very big meteor?"

Pidge reaches for his binoculars. "It's a ship!" Lance reaches out and grabs them, taking the small boy with it. "Holy crow! I can't believe what I'm seeing! That's not one of ours." "No..." Pidge's says in awe, "It's one of theirs." "So, wait. There really are aliens out there?" "Maybe we should just go back inside-" The ship crash lands in the rocky hills below. "We gotta see that ship!" Pidge goes running off after it. Lance grabs Y/N's hand and runs after him. "Hunk, come on!" "Oh, this is the worst team building exercise ever."


And that's a wrap on chapter one. I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't my realize rewriting this book would be such a tedious task. I think I needed off earlier in this edited chapter than in the original, but I hope I added more detail and maturity to it to make up for that.

Maybe leave a comment and tell me what you thought!

Signing off,

The Paladin (Lance McClain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now