In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong

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Hey! I hope your day is going well.

Anyway, enjoy!

Song: Fireflies - Owl City (Slowed + Reverb)

Kinda procrastinating starting to write this but hey that's okay. :)

Did y'all know Woah is actually spelt Whoa? Because I did nOT-

Also my apologies if the characters are OOC at some parts. Even though most of the dialogue for these first parts are straight from the show. I'll most likely divert from the show soon though. Probably after most of the basics.

"Whoa! What the heck is that thing... and who the heck is she-" Y/N's brows furrow. "Lance!" "-OW"

"Right, alien ship, Man, we'll never get past all those guards to get a look." Hunk feigns sorrow, "Aw man, yeah.... yeah, I guess there's nothing to do but head back to the barracks, right?" "Wait! They set up a camera in there and I grabbed its feed, Look!"

"Hey! What are you doing?" " Calm down, Shiro. We just need to keep you quarantined until we run some tests." "You have to listen to me-" Shiro grunts as he wrestles with the bonds. "They destroy, worlds! Aliens are coming-" He wrestles around some more. "-ALIENS!"

Lance points at the man. "That's Shiro! The pilot of the Kerberos mission! That guys, like, my hero!" "I guess he's not dead in space after all." "Ew hunk." "Where's the rest of the crew?"

"Do you know how long you've been gone?" "I don't know- months? Years? Look, There's no time! Aliens are coming here for a weapon, their probably already on their way! They'll destroy us! We have to find Voltron!"  Your groups eyes widen. "Holy crap Pidge's radio nonsense was right!" Y/N whisper screams. He shoots her an annoyed look.

"Sir, look at this. It appears his arm has been replaced with a cyborg prosthetic." "Put him under until we know what that thing can do." "No no, don't put me under, No! There's no time!" Pidge stares at the screen in dismay. "They didn't ask about the rest of the crew." "What are they doing? He's a legend! They're not even going to listen to him?" Y/N puts a hand on Lance's shoulder. "We have to get him out." Hunk stands up, "I hate to be the voice of reason-" "Always." Y/N smiles. "But weren't we just watching on the TV because there was no way we could get past the guards?"

"That was before we were properly motivated-" "properly motivated" Y/N can't help but laugh a little under her breathe at the stupidity of it all. "-We just gotta think. Could we tunnel in?" "Maybe we could get some hazmats suits and sneak in like med techs!" "Or we dress up like cooks, head back to the dorms, sneak into the commissary- little late night snack." "-no, what we need is a distraction."

An explosion is set off in the distance, the four scream and look toward it. Y/N grabs Lance's shoulders as he pushes her behind him slightly. "Is that the aliens?! Is that the aliens?! Are they here?! They got here so quick!!" "No. Those explosions were a distraction-" Pidge points at a figure. "-For him!" They look through the binoculars again. "No way! Oh, he is so not gonna beat us in there! That guy is always trying to one up me!" Lance sprints toward the building. Y/N looks at him quizzically. "Who is it?" "Keith!" Pidge raises an eyebrow, "Who?" Hunk runs after the boy. "Are you sure?" "Oh I'd recognize that mullet from anywhere!" Y/N's nose scrunches up as she snorts in amusement, taking off after the boys with Pidge. "Who's Keith?!" "It's complicated."

Running into the room, they are greeted with Keith carrying Shiro awkwardly. "No! Nope! No! Nonononono! No you don't! I'm saving Shiro!" The rest of the group deadpans. "Uh.. who are you?" "Who am I? Uh, The names Lance." The two awkwardly stare at each other for a second. "We were in the same class at the garrison." "..Really? are you a- engineer?" "No im a pilot we were lik-" Y/N clamps his mouth shut with her fingers. "Less chit chat more move move." The group quickly moves on, although Lance looks rather pouty, and they quickly get outside the facility. "Oh man, they're coming back, and they look mad! We gotta go!"

"Uh do you mind if we catch a ride with you?" Hunk hurriedly exclaims as everyone piles on, the small jet looking vehicle tilting hazardously backwards. "Is this gonna fit all of us..?" "No." Keith starts the engine and the group soars off.

"Why am I holding this guy?!" "Hey we did all fit" "whatishappeningwhATISHAPPENING" "Can't this thing go any faster?!" "We could toss off some non-essential weight." "Oh right-" "how rude" "-Okay, so that was an insult. I get it." "Big man, lean left!" Hunk does as told, and the group tilts left, effectively steering the vehicle.

Hunk watches the scene unfold behind them. "Aw man, Mr. Harris just wiped out Professor Montgomery! No, no! He's fine!" "Big man, lean right!" Everyone starts to scream and they careen to the right, scraping along a path. "I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO GO OUT IN A MUCH COOLER WAY!" Y/N yelps, hanging on for dear life.

A cliff pulls into view. "Uh- guys- is- is that- is that a cliff up ahead?!" "Oh no- no no- nononono!" "Yup!" As the vehicle flies off the edge, screams intensify and Lance yells at the driver, "What are you doing?! Your going to kill us all!!" "Shut up and trust me!" Keith shifts the gear and angles the ship- just narrowly avoiding imminent peril. They zoom off, successfully avoiding the garrison.


Y/N, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge fathered around a small living room inspecting a large cork board. "Yeah. All of this is going-" She makes a gesture over her head, "Woosh." Hunk looks toward the h/c. "Amen to that sister." Keith walks back into the room, Shiro following close behind.

Keith explains to everyone why he's out here, and what he's doing. "I just felt drawn out here. I felt drawn to search." "Search? For what?" "Well, I didn't really know at the time, until I stumbled across this area here." He taps a spot on the map pinned onto the cork. "It's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves covered in ancient markings."

"Sounds like occultist stuff." Y/N states, a finger on her chin deep in thought. "No." Keith corrects. "Each tells a slightly different story about a blue lion, but they all share clues leading to some... event. Some arrival happening last night." He turns to Shiro, "Then you showed up."

"I should, thank you all for getting me out. Lance, right?" Lance goes to shake his, robotic, hand and hesitates, before smiling at the scarred man and shaking it. He turns toward Pidge, who looks to Hunk for a millisecond then continues with her introduction. "The nervous guys Hunk. I'm Pidge-" He shakes his hand. "-So did anyone else from your crew make it?"

Shiro's expression falters. "I'm.. not sure. I remember the mission and being captured... after that it's just- bits and pieces. Sorry." He turns to Y/N next, holding his hand out. "My name is Y/N. It's wonderful to meet you." She says, taking it as if he were an old friend. "Likewise." He smiles down to her. "Yeah, sorry, hate to interrupt, but back to the aliens. Where are they now? Are the coming? Are they coming for us? Where are they at this very moment?!"

"I.. I can't really put it together. I remember the word 'Voltron', it's.. some kind of weapon their looking for, but I don't know why. Whatever it is I think we need to find it before they do." "oh boy." "Well, last night I was rummaging through Pidge's stuff, and I found this picture-" he pulls out a nicely taken care of photo of a boy, presumably Pidge, in a garrison uniform standing next to a younger girl a purple dress.

Hunk chuckes, "look it his girlfriend-" "Hey! Give me that! What were you doing in my stuff?!" "-I was looking for a candy bar. But, then, I started reading his diary-" "whAT-"  Pidge yanks the book out of his hands. "-And I noticed the repeating series of numbers the aliens are searching for looks a lot like a Fraunhofer line-" "Frown.. who..?" "Who cares what does this have to do with anything? This conversation is getting real boring, real quick." Y/N rubs her head.


Sorry that kinda droned on for a little. I think we'll get some action next, though!

The Paladin (Lance McClain x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя