An Offer I Could Definietly Refuse... But I Didnt

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We still at it boys. Third Chapter! Going through and editing this, I now realize that going little by little through the first episode might be way too much slow burn (is that even the correct sentence) for this. In my old third chapter I'm pretty sure I was already past the party episode—

Oh well I suppose. Better to have detail then just a blob of words! :)

Have a nice day!

Song: I Forgive You - Sia (Lyrics)


"This is super freaky." Lance deadpans. "That's what I've been saying! But does anybody listen to Y/N? NoOooo!" Her nose scrunches up in distaste. Hunk sets off in a direction, following the beeping of the machine he's holding. "Im getting a reading!"

Following through the rocky terrain, they finally come upon a cave. "woah" Y/N comments as they venture in. Running her hand across the beautiful engravings, she makes out pictures. "Now this is cool." "What are these?" Shiro questions. "These are the lion carvings I was telling you about. They're everywhere around here."

"Hmm.." Lance removes the dust from one of the intricate carvings, standing back to look at it a little better. The carvings sit still for a moment, before they light up a neon blue. "whOA-" Lance leaps backwards. "They've never done that before!"

The floor collapses beneath them, causing them to fall. Screaming, they all grasp for something. Y/N automatically grasps onto Lance's shirt, clinging to him for dear life.

"Ommf-" Everyone falls into a pile at the bottom of the opening. Lance sits up, softly gasping. With a breathy voice he comments, "They are everywhere." Rubbing her head, Y/N sits up beside him, Lance turning to make sure she didn't have any cuts from the fall.

Y/N feels that all so familiar feeling of her cheeks tinging pink and the butterflies roaming around her midsection. "Im fine, thank you Lance." He shoots her a smile and stands up like everyone else, helping her up as well.

The group admires the blue beast. "Is this it... is this the Voltron?" "It.. must be." "This is what's been causing all this crazy energy out here." Keith walks toward the mechanical robot, examining the blue hue protecting it from the outside. "Looks like there's a force field around it." He comments, turning to the rest of the group. "And to think I thought those were just video game things." Y/N ponders.

The group walks over to Keith, joining him at the force field. "Does anyone else get the feeling this is staring at them?" Y/N casts a eye to Lance, but quickly reverts back to watching her step. "No.." Hunk replies to the Cuban. "Yeah... the eyes are totally following me." Y/N glances at him, reaching out to feel around his head. "Did you hit your head?" He pats her hand away. "No- Well Yes- But it's not that!"

Keith touches the force field, examining it. "I wonder how we get through this. "Maybe you just have to knock?" Lance suggests, lifting his fist and knocking on it.

The force field lets out a small burst of energy, the lions eyes and body shining a brilliant light. The group let's out panicked yells, frozen to their spots. They suddenly all see a vision of five robots, joining into one magnificent being.

"Whoa...." They all pause for a second, taking the moment in. "Uh... did everyone just see that?" Hunk bursts into action. "Voltron is a robot! Voltron is a huge... awesome robot!" Pidge looks at the lion curiously, "And this thing is only one part of it! I wonder where the rest of them are..." "This is what they're looking for..." "Incredible..." "This officially just became some type of Star Wars, Star Trek, hybrid thing... so cool!"

The lion leans its jaws down, opening them up for the group to climb into. Lance runs inside of it, dragging Y/N behind him. Inside there a chair, which Lance of course sits in, relaxing letting out a confident, "Here we go!" The chair swooshes forward, bringing him to a sleek control module. "Woah..." Y/N says, moving to his side and examining the mechanics. "That's so cool! It's got pop up screens! Like Tony Stark but in real life!" She smiles brightly, poking Lance's shoulder. "Maybe we'll meet Spider-Man!" Lance looks over his shoulder at the others filing in, then back at Y/N. "Maybe!" He gives her his best smile.

"Okay, okay, guys, I feel the need to point out, just so we're aware, we're in some sort of futuristic alien cat head right now." Hunk sums up. "That makes it better." Lance zones out, listening to the blue lion as Y/N claps her hands together. "Maybe we're in a movie! Oh my goodNESS! HI MOOM!" "Oh- will you-" "Woah did you guys just hear that?!" Lance yelps. 

"Hear what?" "I - I think it's talking to me!" Lance leans forward and thinks for a moment, before pressing some buttons, causing the lion to come to a stand. He grasps the handles and haphazardly steers the lion, busting through the cave wall!

Y/N screams at the top of her lungs, no doubt not the only one, and clutches onto Lance's shoulder and seat. "You are... the WORST... PILOT... EVER!" Lance continues on, trying to adjust. The group clings to each other, not knowing that just a little ways away Iverson watches, questioning pretty much his entire life. "What in the Sam Hill is that?" "...a, blue mechanical...lion, sir"


Man I tried to write the full part, where they meet Allura but dang I'm just tired! I thought I could get it done tonight but I could only get a couple chapters. So sorry! This is gonna take longer than I thought haha.

Signing out,

The Paladin (Lance McClain x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt