loveing there kids

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Are kids are growing so big it can't believe lolly and Mike are twins mommy what Lilly i go potty ok be right there ok lilly u done ya i need help ok coming I'm gonna tickel u ahhhhhh mommy what Mike i go outside to daddy daddy not here why. He's at work ok ok  he be here in a minute ok ok time to take a nap ok but i want to see daddy he will come give u a kiss ok ok night mommy night love u. Hey Lilly​ and Mike want a kiss ok ok I'll will be down here waiting ok ok go give them a kiss ok ok hurry i promised Mike u will and Lilly ok ok  hey we have to go to bed to c'mon let's go waaaaaa Mike what's wrong i wanna sleep with u  ok me to ok lilly and Mike come lay down ok night guys  night love u love you to

new girl  falls in loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin