Chapter 5

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        Cam lightly touched my arm, and I whipped around to see him smiling. I must of been staring at this girl with Shawn. He introduced her to me and Cam as Caleen. Which is said just as it sounds. Cal-een. Such a pretty name. I would love a name like that. Gosh now I was envying her for more than one reason.

           I turned around as I saw Nash literally lift Elizabeth over the gate, is was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. She looked like she wanted to fly. Her face was bright red, she was obviously nervous. This was new for me to see, Elizabeth was always the calm one. Level headedness didn't apply to MAGCON boys though. That was a fact. But, she had always had a boyfriend who was popular or at least a jock, so she knew she could get a guy like him. Nash pulled her onto his back, giving her a piggy back ride up to the stage. Once there though, he didn't put her down. He looked happy and content standing there, like she weighed nothing.

        Elizabeth was giggling and had her chin resting on Nash's shoulder. I felt intensely happy for her. Taylor was the last to pick anyone, I laughed out loud when he stopped to talk to the girl Elizabeth "threatened" earlier, and quickly moved away, grabbing a girl's had that I recognized from school, Nicole. I never thought I would see anyone I knew from school, how weird! She bounded over through the gates and we all were finally set. Suddenly, music blared thorugh the speakers and all the boys started dancing, some of them booty popping, making the crowd go insane. Cam was doing his famous wall twerk, before he climbed down and started dancing with me.

           He was twirling me around and doing the stupidest, but hottest, moves. I can't believe I was wishing Shawn had picked me, Cam was obviously my prince charming, yeah. You could say that. He lightly dipped me, before bringing my back up. He was a great slow dancer. All the other boys were still acting crazy, some of the girls on stage were just laughing, or making vines, or something along the lines of that. The boys were always doing something, didn't matter what.

        Cam, Shawn, Nash, and Matt were the only ones dancing with the girl they had chosen. God this day was perfect. Before we knew it, the music had stopped and people were filing out of the room. Elizabeth ran to my side and we screamed, having to do with what just happened. This was crazy, was I dreaming? All the boys were getting ready for the actual MAGCON, with the photos etc. Just as us two were slipping out the door, Nash pulled us back.

        With hopeful eyes, he said, "Could I please get a photo with you two? Cam wants one too. To put on twitter. If that's okay with you guys, of course." Nash shyly looked away as he waited for us to answer. Of course we wanted to! But, deciding to play it cool, we calmly said "Sure. We were just going to go back to the hotel anyway." I wish we were going back to their hotel. No, no dirty thoughts. For now. 

           They pulled us over to the side as Nash and Cam pulled out their phones, handing them to some of the other boys to take a picture. Nash engulfed Elizabeth in a hug, he was towering over her small figure. They both smiled, the picture must of turned out perfect. Suddenly, I felt someone take my hand and I turned around to see Cam pull me into a hug before turning me to Matt, who was taking the picture. He slipped his hand down low on my hip, and pulled me next to him closing the small space in between us. His body felt like fire.

        He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I need your twitter, beautiful." I felt my face turn red, and smiled as Matt snapped the picture. Cam instantly grabbed back the phone and nodded a thanks to Matt. I gave Matt a smile, but he had already turned and walked away. I had the feeling he didn't really like me. Cam looked up and asked me what my twitter was. I gave it to him, and he smilled as he typed it in. He quickly uploaded the picture, mentioned me, and tweeted it. I instantly felt my phone buzz, followed my several more, and I quickly retweeted and favorited the photo.

        "Thank you for everything today Cam, I hope people don't make a big deal out of that photo with us." I said quickly looking at my feet. I knew how bad the comments got most of the time, just a simple picture of the boys with any girl, and rumors and lies speard within seconds.

        "Oh hell, don't worry about that Mykenna. I just had to take a picture with you. Too beautiful not to." He said as he squeezed my shoulder. "Now I've got to go with the rest of the boys, I'll see you tomorrow right?" Cam asked hopefully, with a raised eyebrow.

        "Um, yeah! I'll see you then." I said as I smiled and walked to Elizabeth, who was already at the door, waiting for me. She dreamily said, "I think I'm in love." I nodded in agreement, not sure if I would call it love, though. 

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