Chapter 24

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        Inside the building, there were already several dozens of girls about, screaming instantly at the sight of our boys.

          Yeah that's right. Our boys. The girls were insane, we loved them just as much of course, but they were literally throwing themselves at the boys. Like, jumping on them. This was crazy. Shawn set me down at the entrance and protectively grabbed my hand, pulling me through the now growing crowd.

        "Don't look up, and don't talk to anyone. Just keep walking." I scrambled after him, as we were the last of the group. Suddenly, I felt a twinge of pain at my right. I turned to see a red headed girl, she was glaring at me and sticking up her middle finger. Then I felt it again, this time sharper, the girl had actually scratched my arm. Deep too. I slowly looked down to see small droplets of blood sprout from my arm, just above the elbow, and trail down slowly. That bitch.

        "You think you can take my man?? Huh? What a whore! Matt and Shawn? Go back to where you came from, they don't want you!" She screamed as she pushed me backwards into the opposite crowd.

        I felt my grip on Shawn's hand loosen as he dissapeared out of my sight, right before I landed flat on the floor, on my butt. The crowd quickly closed in around me, girls screaming unimaginable things.

        "Such a slut!" "Can't you just choose?!" "Let me guess, Nash is yours too!?" I looked around frantically for Shawn, or even Matt. Someone to help. The red head was standing in front of me, and she raised her foot, screaming something about how much money they payed. She kicked my right side, just under my last rib.

        "Stop please!" I tried to say but I was drowned out by the sound of the girls screaming. Then suddenly everything happened at once. I felt 3 other feet hit me, on my left side. Someone kicked my jaw. There was someone stepping on my leg, bending it painfully. The red head was screeching, obviously proud of what she had caused. Two other girls joined in, kicking my right side. I looked up at all of them pleading, but none of them were looking in my eyes. Or maybe just none of them cared. They kept kicking and I made myself close my eyes, there was no use trying to fight off this many girls. "Jesus stop it! Please!" Once again I was drowned out by the crowd, but not before I heard a guy's voice shaking with anger.

        "Get the hell off of her! Stop it! I will have all of you removed from the event! Move off of her!" I knew that voice. Suddenly the kicking stopped and I opened my eyes to see Shawn running full speed at me through the crowd. I moved to get up but immediately cringed in pain, from my ribs. They felt like they were on fire. I couldn't breathe normally, maybe that's why he looked so concerned.

        "Oh my god Kenna. I'm so sorry. I should have looked behind me." He was talking so quickly, I could barely understand him. He tried to help me sit up, but the pain was unbareable. I tried to stiffle a yelp and managed to roll onto my side, then sit up partially. I looked at Shawn and shook my head, meaning that it was not his fault. I guess he took it as I couldn't stand up, as he kneeled down and picked me up like he had so many times already today.

        Shawn stood up and glared at the crowd, causing them to quickly move aside. That was the weird thing about Shawn. He was the cutest thing ever, but when he was mad, he was scary. Dead scary. His eyes came to a small slit and his mouth was set in such a way that showed he was not afraid of anyone or anything and would take out anyone in his way. He continued to carry me until we reached the small room to the side of the main area, which was used for the VIP events. Most of the boys were standing inside and quickly ran over to us. Shawn set me down carefully on a chair.

        "Mykenna oh god what did they do? What happened?" They all seemed to chorus. Shawn pulled up a chair from a nearby table and sat directly in front of me, and immediately grabbed my hand.

        "Kenna, I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I thought you were right behind me. What happened?" He asked, his hands reaching to my sides. "One scratched me and then they all started... kicking me. It's fine. I'm okay." I whispered as my eyes trailed down to the floor. I didn't need them all worrying about me. Even though the only ones in the room were Shawn, Matt, Taylor, Aaron, and Carter.

        "What?? They were kicking you?" Shawn screamed as he moved his hands farther down on my hips. "Where at Kenna? Where did they kick you?" He said through gritted teeth. I kept my eyes on the floor as I raised my hand, pointing at my ribs. Before I knew it, Shawn lifted my tank top completly off of my body. His hands quickly went to my stomach, examining my ribs. Woah. I was sitting in front of 5 boys, with only a bra on. Well this just got interesting.

        "Ow!" I yelped as Shawn poked a spot of my lower rib. Man this was the last MAGCON event I'd ever go to.

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