the cave

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**sorry it has taken so long it's been crazy*** 

I ran for hours before I stoped my feet were blisters and my arms and legs coverd in cuts from the branches my clothes ripped and caked in mud. I sat on a stump and looked around. I thought to myself I have to keep going I have to get as far away from Travis as possible that's the only way to protect my child, so with that I stood and began at a walk and then began to run again. I ran until it got to dark to see so I found a pile of dead branches and his myself curling up trying to rest and keep hidden. 
With the sun rising behind me I set of again Travis had said he would be gone at least two days so he could be home today he would know I was gone ... Would he look for me would he even care my parents paid him to marry me he had.. my thoughts were interuppted by the sound of men yelling i panicked and looked for somewhere to hide.

I ducked into a small cave it was and waited as the voices grew louder. 
"Yea I know we have to get the apples picked before the rot but a few minutes at the river isn't going to hurt anything" 
The other men in the group grumbled as they followed behind the one who had spoke. 
The mention of apples had my mouth watering .. how far away could the field be if they were walking from it. I let the men get a good distance away and started walking in the way they had came from I walked for the a while and found thier horses and new I had made a mistake they had come a pretty long way.  I began to turn around when I heard them again. 
"We wasted the whole damn day we are going to loose pay for this one the boss hasn't been in a forgiving mood for the last couple months."
I ducked down and his the best I could and let the men mount the horses and ride off a little ways and then I began to follow them first pretty closely and then a bit further back as I began to tier. 
I found a large cave that went back a ways and decided to stop there as the sun sank below the trees. 

The sun rose and I waited until it was high in the sky before I ventured out  I found  some wood for a fire and kept looking for the field with the apples, while walking I stumbled across a small stream with a few fish here and there I ripped a section of my dress at the bottom and  some how manages to catch  one of the fish with joy I made my way back to the cave this would do for now this cave would be my home.

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