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That hug could've gone on for hours if I hadn't have put her down. I didn't want to, but I heard her stomach rumble and figured she could use something to eat.
We started to walk down the block to a diner. She had the biggest smile on her face, I wanted to ask about the baby, but not now.
I felt her fingers slip inbetween mine and grip my hand.
"I missed you- so.. much Nicky", she beamed.
"I missed you too kid, let's get you some grub eh?"

I didn't want to eat to much to be honest. Now I was out of prison I was gonna work out and get a super hot body like one of those supermodels on the tv. I knew Nicky would appreciate that too.
The whole time she looked at me so lovingly, like she was really listening when I talked about random shit I knew shit didn't care about.
This felt good. This was good.

After dinner I took her 'home' I guess? I hadn't even thought about it really. I just assumed she'd stay with me- anyway- when we got back she seemed so surprised that I'd managed to pull it together and actually find a place to stay.
"Not bad eh?" I grinned.
"Oh nicky it's perfect"
"Alright calm down, it's not Buckingham palace, but it'll do right? I mean it's okay. You're okay?"
"Nicky, I'm better than okay. I'm happy."
She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. This was great. And unless she planned on sleeping on the couch, tonight was the first time I could sleep next to her.

..And fuck in a place that's not a chapel or a bathroom.

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