sweet 'nd shit

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My sleep cycle was kinda fucked that night. So I got up pretty early, I basically had nothing to do until Lorna woke up, so I decided to TRY and make breakfast. Emphasis on the TRY part. I'd been in prison for like over half a decade, I didn't know how to cook. I kept it's plain and simple, eggs, and bacon. Easy enough right? Wrong. I burned the bacon and the eggs stuck to the pan. Major fuck up.

As much as I would've liked a graceful awakening on my first morning out, it wasn't so peaceful as Nicky shouting "fuck", "shit" and clashing pans did the trick.
I looked around the corner past the couch to the kitchen and saw her with her head in her hands looking pissed.
"I messed up Lorna. I can't even cook bacon" she said, not even looking at me.
"Oh honey that's easy." I said. I  can up behind her, grappled her hands and lead her to making an at least decent breakfast. After she turned around to me, smiled and kissed me on the cheek, "well, are you just a little fuckin' Gordon Ramsay?"she laughed.
"More like you're just a really bad Judy King." I teased back.
"Very funny"

After breakfast I decided it was time to ask about the kid, I didn't even know his name yet. Where was he?
"Yeah, nicky?"
"How did you know, CHILDBIRTH, go? We didn't talk about it."
"oh, right, well it was 2 months early so it wasn't great, but the baby's fine. She's beautiful nicky, she really is."
"She?! Oh my god!"
"Yep, she. Baby Emma. And I can go and get her in 5 months or so"

To be honest that's when it hit me.
I was 31 and Lorna 33, living in a shitty apartment, little to no money and no jobs yet. How am I meant to help her. I want to of course, as much as possible, but there's only so much an ex-junkie can do with an empty wallet.

The next few weeks were pretty repetitive, although we did go out clothes shopping so she'd stop wearing my oversized tees to bed. The only thing that really changed was the number in my bank account. Don't get me wrong, I was trying. Trying so hard. Trying hard to be sweet 'nd shit, try hard to make her day, trying hard not to fuck everything up. Not again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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