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Okay, okay I'll admit it wasn't the fanciest of places I've stayed, but all in all it was Nicky that made it great.
I took a BATH. In a BATHTUB. It was fucking amazing. I know Nicky enjoyed "checking up" on me a solid 6 times too.

When I got out Nicky was laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Her head popped up to look at me and we both started laughing. I love her smile.

Making people laugh was one of my great traits, especially if that person was Lorna, it's a bonus for me cause her smile is fuckin' adorable. We hadn't had time to go shopping yet so she wore my long sleeve top that was a tad too big for her. I was sitting, resting on my arms backwards, she came up to me, wrapped her legs around me and kissed me. Then kissed me again. And again. She was on top of me with her hand slowly wrapping around the back of me. Tbh I was usually the one doing the bra unhooking and being the horn dog, but I wasn't complaining. Before you know it we were doing it and it was G R E A T.
Plus it was on an actual bed and not in a broom closet.

We'd had sex before of course. A lot. But this was sooo much different. It was better. We were an actual thing now. At least I thought we were. I hadn't exactly got to asking that. I mean we're living together and doing the sex so.. does that make us girlfriend- girlfriend? I hope so.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was so happy. But Lorna certainly could, I got a really fucking bad cramp in my arm, but I didn't wanna move in case it woke her up. So I slid it out, she tossed a little before turning and facing me.
"I love you nicky" she mumbled. I don't know if she was exactly conscious when she said this, but I'll take it. I put my arm around her and kissed her forehead. "Ditto, kid, goodnight"

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