Chapter One

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   "Hey guys!" Eren says as he greets his fellow members of the Special Operations Squad. They're having a quick breakfast so they can leave soon to get extra gas and blades for an expedition. Eren doesn't have to go on it, it's actually preferred he doesn't. He might get eaten or go rogue in Titan form, which would get him killed by Levi, but Eren refuses to stay at the castle-like building that they're staying in, all by himself.

   "Hello, Eren!" Armin greets back.

   "Eren, you did get enough sleep, right?" Mikasa asks.

   "Uhh, yeah" He answers. He sits down in between her and Armin.

   "Good. And If you change your mind about staying here, I'm staying with you. Don't worry, I'll always be here for you" She says. Her eyes are filled with insanity and determination.

   "I'm fine Mikasa" He responds and gabs a peice of bread. "And what makes you think I'm going to stay here? Obviously I'm going with you guys" He rips off and eats a chunk of the bread.

   Suddenly the doors explode open and Hanji, with Moblit following her, comes in.

   "HELLO, SQUAD LEVI!!" She exclaims.

   "Squad Leader Hanji, we shouldn't be here, we have to get ready for the expedition!" Moblit insists.

   "We have some time to waste!" She walks over to Eren and says, "Hey you still- Wait. Where's Levi?"

   Everyone is silent. Levi. The second Hanji said that, everyone realized he wasn't there. Even Eren, who all he could think about was Levi.

   "Could he still be asleep?" Eren asks.

   "No. No. That's not like him" Hanji comments.

   "Maybe he's sick?" Connie asks. Everyone looks at him like he's crazy. "What? People get sick!"

   "He's right. I'll go check on Levi" Eren says. He then stands up and walks towards Levi's room.

   "Wait! I'm coming too!" Hanji yells, and runs after him.

   They stare at Levi's door, both of them are afraid to open it. "You open it" Hanji says.

   "What?! Why me?!" Eren exclaims.

   "Because he might be changing! And you said you'll check on him"

   "Alright, alright"

   He places his hand on the doorknob, terrified at what he might see, and slowly opens it. Levi's room is clean, neat, and basically how anyone would think the neat freak's room would look like. They don't see Levi, what they do see is a lump under the covers of his bed.

   "What? He's asleep? And after all that yelling?" Eren whispers to Hanji.

   "Well, you go wake him up, and I'll be the other room" Hanji whispers back.

   "Why me?"

   "He'll kill me, and I'm a girl" She says as she leaves.

   "But.... What does being a girl have to do with that?" He asks in a barely audible voice.

   He turns towards Levi and creeps up to the bed. Levi's on his front, with his face buried in a pillow. Eren carefully shakes his arm and says, "Levi. Levi, wake up" He hears a groan and immediately retracts his hand. A dull blue eye looks up at him angrily.

   "Jeager?" Levi croaks.

   'Wow. He sounds horrible.' Eren thinks, he then notices the hair clinging to his forehead. 'I guess he really is sick'

   "Levi? Are you feeling alright?" Eren asks him.

   "First of all, it's Corporal. Second, I'm fine" The black haired man insists. He pushes himself up on his hands, but nausea fills him and he falls onto his bed, clutching his stomach.

   "Levi!" Eren exclaims. "Are you OK?"

   "I'm fine, Jeag- Urp!" His word getts interrupted by gagging.

   Despite his wishes, Eren put his hand on Levi's forehead to check his temperature. It's burning. The doctor in Eren starts to come out. He remembers all the times his father talked about patients and their illnesses. "First, I should get some water, then a damp cloth, and an emergency first-aid kit" He says to himself.

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