Dysphoria chapter 2

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   Detention came slowly, the school day seemingly going by excruciatingly as the young green-eyed boy's dread increased. Professor Snape and detention two very unpleasant things, especially since the man, hated him. Throughout every class period, he couldn't help but dwell on the whole ordeal but try as he might he couldn't figure out why the older male hated him so much. 

    Sure potions weren't exactly his...er strongest subject but that wasn't a reason for him to despise him. So what exactly had he done to anger him? To be honest it seemed as though he had wronged him just by breathing the same air as well as being alive or at least it was all but implied. Letting out a light breath of frustration Harry shook his head lightly dark tresses swaying slightly. This was all too confusing and it was giving him a throbbing headache.

'' Potter!'' head snapping up in surprise his eyes met Lockhart's.


'' Are you even paying attention?'' 

   Weighing his options of lying or to tell the truth Harry thought for a moment if he lied then a question on the current lesson was sure to follow to prove he wasn't paying attention and another detention with Professor Snape. On the other hand, if the truth was told than a lecture would follow as well as his classmates laughing and bullying him even more. Frowning he knew what he had to do he absolutely could not afford another detention with him.

'' No sir I wasn't I spaced out sorry It won't happen again'' All he received was a curt nod.

'' It better not or I'll address the situation to Snape.'' I nodded weakly as the rest of the class chuckled and spewed insults at me even Lockhart was smirking! This was the second time today that he had been humiliated by a teacher and to make matters worse he had detention next. Banging his head on the table he mutely listened as he waited for detention. Hopefully, this wouldn't be half as bad as Uncle Vernon.


    Harry found himself walking to detention or death as he liked to call it arriving as slow as he could was his goal his feet were barely picked up along the way.  Once the potion masters room came in view he walked even slower which he hadn't even thought to be possible. Finally coming in contact with the door he took a moment to compose himself before he walked in. 

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