Dysphoria chapter 6

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     It wasn't until potions class that Snape finally came across Harry. The boy hadn't been able to avoid him during class sure he had avoided eye contact but that could only do so much. It was as if it were a game and Snape finally had Harry where he wanted him. This time he couldn't escape so easily without an explanation Snape deserved that much. Yes, an explanation was rather overdue.

    Snape watched over Harry like a hawk he noticed the way Potter flinched every time someone spoke too loud, he noticed how he seemed rather misplaced as he hunched his lithe shoulders inwards making himself as small as he could but most of all he noticed how the boy seemed almost afraid of him. At first, Snape had thought this was what he had always wanted for the Potter brat to finally listen, to be frightened of him but now that had finally happened it was absolutely sickening. Seeing Potter this way struck a nerve in the man the urge to protect him flared through his veins and he didn't know why. His pondering was cut short as class ended and everyone shuffled out of the room. Potter tried to slip past him undetected but Snape caught him before he could.

''Potter, stay I have some concerns I'd like to address with you.''He watched as the younger tried to escape from his grasp seeming completely uncomfortable in his current predicament. 

'' Actually, if you don't mind...I er really have to go now''

''In fact, I do mind, you're not getting out of this Potter so I'd suggest taking a seat.''

''...Fine'' Harry sighed as he hesitantly took a seat his professor doing the same. Once they were finally settled Snape broke the silence.

'' Now after the little incident last detention I had you scanned for injuries'' he watched as Harry went rigid. 

'' Yeah they were just from playing...Quidditch.'' At the answer, he received the man's eyes narrowed causing his student to gulp.

''Quidditch doesn't cause this severe of injuries also I'll have you know I don't appreciate being lied too.''

''Fine the injuries aren't from Quidditch what do you care?'' 

''I care if one of my students is being harmed!'' The older male scoffed.

''You're right just not me.'' Sighing as he ran a hand through his greasy raven locks he thought of a reply.

''Look we may not be on the best of terms but I care for each and every one of my students including you but I need to ask you something and I need you to answer honestly.''As he received a meek nod he continued.

'' Are you getting these injuries from the Dursleys?''

 To be continued

Hey sorry for the long wait I ended up getting logged off the account and forgot the password. I was just able to get back in tonight and decided to update. Hope you enjoyed.

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