hallelujah i love her so

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We were having a good time laughing and telling stories. Then i feel asleep. I woke up the next morning she wasn't there. Guessing she had to leave because of her brother. But she left a note signed with her name and her beautiful handwriting that read.
                         Dear John,
               If your reading this note that means I'm already gone back home. I didn't want to wake you because you seemed so peaceful. So I left this instead. Thank you for standing up for me. In front of my brother and your aunt. Tell your mum Julia I enjoyed her presence. I had a lovely time with you and can't wait to see you tonight

  As I finished the note Julia was in the kitchen with my "stepfather." She was washing the dishes and I could see her in the mirror. She didn't look happy. But as soon as I was in her sight she had a smile on her face.

    "Would you and Anna like some breakfast?" I shrugged. "I would but Anna left." She had a frown again. "Aw why?" I sat down on the table. "Guessing she had to leave so her mom wouldn't find out." She turned around and said, "Then let's have some fun today. Nobody to bother us no  Mimi no school nothing. What do you say?" I thought about the idea. And it seemed great. "Sure." She smiled. "Oh John its gonna be great. Finally we get to have mother and son time."  I nodded and ate my breakfast. 

Julia got ready to leave. As so did I. We walked around and shopped. She tried on hats and glasses and all sorts of things. To be honest it was very nice to spend time with me mum. She was more like a Buddy. Me mates loved her.

     "So John, what 'bout Anna. She seems nice. I like her "

    "Mum I just met her yesterday."

    "Well I think you should keep her." I laughed. "Alright mum we'll see how it goes." We stopped at a café and had lunch. On the jukebox played an Elvis song. Mum and I sang along to it. At the end I said, "Ah why couldn't god make me Elvis." Mum leaned forward and looked into my eyes. "Because he's saving you to be John Lennon." Shivers ran through my spin. Another song came on and it was Ray Charles. Hallelujah I love her so. I sang along and all of sudden Anna popped into my head.

  The image of her perfect shape appeared. I released I was singing this to her. She was everything. For only meeting her yesterday she sure had a touch to her.

     "Well John best be on out way now huh." I nodded thinking Anna imagination would leave but it didn't in fact it stay through out the whole night.

She was constantly on my mind. She gave me a feeling I didn't know how to control. But it was fun and exciting. Finally I went out to meet her at Micky's like I said I would.

There she was sitting there waiting. Wearing a red Scarlet dress. It was tight on the top but loose on the bottom. She wore red lipstick and black heels. She had her hair curled and it hung loose around her face.

As soon as I was in her sight her pearly teeth showed. "John you made it " I smiled. "I wasn't gonna miss out on a lovely girl." She blushed. We ordered some drinks and food.

        "How you been?" She asked.
     "Very good. I missed you this morning." She frowned.

       "My brother was on my case. I'm sorry I left so early." I shrugged.

        "Me mum likes ya."

          "Well glad someone in ye family likes me." She chuckled.

        "Ah don't pay attention to Mimi. She does that to everyone."

Our food  came and we ate told more stories and laughed. I paid the check and walked her outside. It was chilly out and I saw her shiver. I gave her my leather jacket and light a ciggie.

    "Care for a ciggie?" She smiled and light one up. We smoke together which was new. No girl really smoked with me. But like I said she was different. I walked her home and stomped on the last of the smoke.

We reached the door step and she wanted to give back me jacket. "No you keep it. To remember me." She smiled and slipped it back on." Thanks John for the lovely night I had a good time." I nodded and stepped closer to her face. I leaned down a kissed her on her lips. I felt a spark  nothing I felt before.

  But then before I knew it Anna's brother had his hands on me again." You know we can't keep doing this, " I said. "Its not healthy for the girl." He took a swing but I ducked." What did I say Lennon." I hit him and Anna ran inside. "You're scaring your own sister." He looked back and sighed. "Look man I'm not gonna hurt your sister. What you hear are just stupid rubbish." He looked at me and his eyes soften.

   "I guess your right im sorry. Do you wanna come in and have a cup of tea?"

   "I'm sorry but I have to  get back home. Thanks maybe sometime later eh." He nodded.

I went back to Julia's. And Anna was just on my mind. I fell asleep and slept like a log. With no interruptions.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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