Monthly Flight Fashion #1

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monochromacolor on instagram has asked about the Flight Crew's casual fashion, so I decided to come up with something like a magazine-style kind of article! Follow her on instagram to see more birbs :> AMAZING ART.


Io's fashion: Sweaters, jumpers, jeans. Anything simple and comfy. He isn't really fond of graphic tees or having anything written/drawn on his shirts unless it's super minimalist. Also, he gets cold very easily so long sleeves are his thing :>

Luka's fashion: Black, grey, brown. Not even white! He's fond of wearing three-quarter sleeves (sleeves that go up to his elbow) anywhere. He owns three leather jackets (lol), and one of them has a hood that's lined with fake fur. I feel he's a boot-sy person. Either that or he's too lazy to buy shoes beyond school shoes (combat boots match well with their special coats).

Vaughn's fashion: RIPPED JEANS HAHAHAAH I swear this vulture owns at least five pairs of ripped jeans and Jae-min always tells him to buy other things but Vaughn's like 'no'. Not that he actually has a chance to wear them, because no one invites him to parties or even casual gatherings...sad. He's also an Adidas kind of guy. Shoes? Adidas. Hoodie? Adidas. His long hair also allows him to wear the kind of things you see on the runway (lol). He cares a whole lot about image, but isn't daring enough to wear pastel colors because he thinks they don't suit him. He also has a pair of fashionable tortoise-shell glasses even though his vision is perfectly fine.

Jing's fashion: Dresses and skirts, often paired with stockings. She isn't very fond of shorts or pants. Usually dark colors as well, like maroon and navy. Her hair's really long, but she doesn't tie it because motivation slips through her fingers like sand XD. She finds no purpose in waking up earlier to do anything special. Covered shoes because her feet have scars and bruises from frost bites.

Pipa's fashion: BRIGHT colors. Summer dresses and beach hats, even if she isn't going to the beach. Slippers are her thing/flip-flops. Also likes minimalist designs (same as Io!). Loves to have cute cat tees (ironic right?? She's a canary).

Jiro's fashion: UNIQLO (it's a Japanese brand). Simple, basic colors—very comfy and light. Is fond of characters such as Rilakuma, Gudetama and Sumikogurashi. Loves wearing their character shirts.

Slayne's fashion: He actually likes wearing white. Also because if his entire wardrobe is white, then Jiro would have to borrow white shirts. White over-sized shirts on smol nightingale = bliss. :> A++ Slayne. We all have dirty minds :')

Dmitri's fashion: American eagle. 'Nuff said XD. Dmitri's like a whole-hearted, 100% American dude.

Lucienne's fashion: Flowy-looking. She's tall, so she can pull off all sorts of long dresses and maxi skirts. High-heels 100% of the time (lol). Chiffon tops are also part of her essentials.

Okay, that's it for now! Till the next issue of Monthly Flight Fashion! 

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