Chapter 12 - Blood, Everywhere

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Manipulation Room victim no. 89365
Name: Avila Farrah
Age: 24 years old
Occupation: Market Stall Owner
Family Member: 26-year-old cousin, Rainy
Description: Oxygen deprivation caused by strangulation of the neck for precisely 25.2 seconds. 


I was struggling to put all the folders in my locker; I knew I shouldn't have done all of my homework in one day. I just don't appreciate the knowledge of having unfinished homework sitting rejected at home, even if it is due in a week. After wrestling with my thick, orange ring-binder for five minutes, I finally managed to wedge it into a small gap at the top of my locker.The school hallway must have been designed my a manic depressive, either that or someone obsessed with grey. The teachers had done their bit, hanging posters in primary colours, yet the overall impression was of drabness. I longed to paint the doors rainbow, or better yet blow off the roof and replace it with a glass dome. Bump. I flew into the prison-hued wall; standing still for too long was never a great idea.

I ambled back towards my locker, flashing a dirty look at the rabid sports jock who had pushed me into the wall. He shrugged back, sniggering as he walked off with his friends. I went to slam my locker shut before noticing a folded piece of paper fall from the book that I had expertly balanced between two ring-binders. I picked it up and unfolded it to find the sketch of the cat and the duck that Ezra had helped me draw. I smiled at it, pulling some sticky tac from the back of my timetable and sticking the picture to the back of my locker door. Admiringly, I smiled at it once more, before slamming my locker door shut and turning to walk towards my next lesson. 

I was only halfway down the corridor when I heard the voice I dreaded the most in the world. "Hey, gorgeous." It was Maddox. A.K.A. The world's biggest jerk. I turned around and rolled my eyes at him, "What do you want?" I spat. He stood smugly, and when I saw who was standing next to him, I became even more agitated. Credence. He looked so different that I had to do a double-take as to whether it was actually him. His newly cropped hairstyle had a blonde streak running through it. I missed his flowing dark locks, constantly matted and disarranged but unique to him. He was also wearing a studded leather jacket. A leather jacket?! And ripped jeans. Where were his meme shirts and flannel? Where were his checked trousers and chinos? 

Credence smirked at me, "Hey,'s nice to see you." The sarcasm was so blatantly obvious that the anger that had been slowly building up inside of me almost overflowed. He really had changed...the old Credence would never use sarcasm. He used to say sarcasm was for arrogant gits. I scoffed, "Wish I could say the same." 
He walked closer to me, with Maddox trailing closely behind, and I shifted backwards. "I saw you and Credence walking home together the other day." He stated, his eyes staring at me icy and cold. I shrugged, "So what?" 
He turned to face Maddox. "Clueless." He chuckled. Maddox laughed with him, whilst I stood there unnerved. Maddox turned to me, "You know, he doesn't love you." 

I laughed, all sarcastic and bitter. Two can play at that game. "I don't expect him to, we're just friends." 
He walked closer, a few steps in front of Credence. "He doesn't love you at all, not like I do." 
I moved backwards, feeling irritated and uncomfortable, "Great...can I go now?" I twisted on my foot, ready to leave but I felt him grab my wrist  tightly and he wouldn't let go. I tried to pull my arm back but he was holding it too tightly. "Get off, you're hurting me!" I yelled, grimacing with pain as he tightened his grip on my wrist. He simply shook his head with one abrupt motion, "No." 

I saw Credence staring at me from behind him and I glared at him, "What happened to you? What did I ever do to you?" 
He rolled his eyes as if that question was completely ludicrous. "Maddox. Do your worst, I'm outta here."
 Maddox turned to face him and nodded, "Bye, mate." Credence gave me a final look, a long, desperate one, before turning and leaving. I saw him shaking his head as he walked away, hesitating before turning a corner and disappearing completely. Do. Your. Worst. What did that mean? What was going to happen to me? I turned back to Maddox, my previous fierceness draining from my body entirely. I was now a petrified mess, shaking with fear.

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