Chapter 17 - The Future

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Manipulation Room victim no. 184830
Name: Cedric Allen-Blue
Age: 28 years old
Occupation: Secondary School Teacher
Family Member: 27-year-old sister, Esther
Description: Blade of an open pair of scissors thrusted into the abdomen at a constant rate. Death caused by blood loss.


I sat at my desk alone, my head in my hands. A friend from primary school, Hesper, came and sat with me but my sulky tone of a querulous child eventually led to her leaving. The week had been going so well but today the world was monotonous and I could feel my energy leaving me like an ink stain into blotting paper. I struggled to feel with anemic emotions that had no substance, they were flat and drained, like a used tea bag. My aim was to be invisible, to blend in. Any social interaction would just be annoying and I'd risk losing friends. Maybe tomorrow my mood would lighten up. Though I doubted that. Tomorrow Mr Allen-Blue wouldn't be back.

 I watched as Maddox and Credence paraded the classroom, cheering and joking around. "Finally, he's gone! We're going to get a new teacher!" Maddox whooped. Credence seemed uncomfortable but he still managed to join in with the celebrations. I glared at them, my skin crawling with hatred. How could they be so heartless about this whole situation? Mr Allen-Blue had been brutally killed by his own sister and they were celebrating? It was so callous and insensitive. Maddox winked at me, "Come on baby, get up and celebrate!" I stayed perfectly still, glaring at him. He didn't dare to make another move, that would only result in another black eye. 

I saw Kierra edging her way around the classroom, and gestured for her to come to my desk. "Can you believe them?" I groaned, once she had pulled a chair out and sat next to me. "It's awful..." She whimpered. "He wasn't my favourite teacher but this? This is too much." She dropped her head in her hands and whimpered again. "I just want to, I want to say something but..." I trailed off. She looked up at them just as Maddox climbed onto a table and clapped his hands together. "But you're scared?" She added. I nodded, "Exactly." 

Everyone was dancing like they'd forgotten how to stand still. Credence was moving like his limbs were made of spaghetti and Maddox's face was a picture of pure excitement. How could they be so cold? Mr Allen-Blue was dead, and he wouldn't be coming back. "Can you believe his names Cedric, though?" Maddox cackled, holding his ribs as he let out a hysterical laugh. "Cedric!" He squealed, as he choked on laughter. Someone had placed a radio on the teacher's desk at the front of the classroom and was playing light-hearted rap music at the highest volume. It was so imperceptive I wanted to scream. 

Kierra turned to face me, "Did you see it though? It was awful; she opened a pair of scissors and literally stabbed him with it! There was so much blood..." She shuddered, her green eyes widening. I nodded, "She didn't have a choice, I guess. He didn't deserve this though." 
She wiped a tear from her eye, "He really didn't. This was...this was just too much." 
"When will people realise that enough is enough? I can't keep watching this every six months." I groaned, dropping my head back in my hands. Kierra didn't respond though. She wasn't even paying attention. "Lyric, look!" She whispered, sharply, jerking her head upwards. 

I suddenly realised that the music that had been blasting from the radio had turned off entirely. I looked up at where the radio was sat on the desk and saw that someone had their finger on the ON/OFF button. Ezra. He looked completely unamused as he death-stared the group of celebrating children. No one dared to talk till Maddox opened his mouth. "Seriously! What the hell are you doing?" He groaned, clambering down from the table and folding his arms. Ezra walked towards the socket and unplugged the radio, dropping the wire to the floor. He turned around again, "I'm being a respectful human being. You should try it some time."

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