Chapter 16 - Appreciate This

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Manipulation Room victim no. 1144802
Name: Mason Grey
Age: 24 years old
Occupation: Writer
Family Member: 26-year-old cousin, Avila
Description: Forced to inhale carbon monoxide through thick cloth leading to hypoxia and reduction of the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. Suffocation lead to death.


"Yay, time to watch more people kill each other." Echo mumbled in a sad, monotone voice. The next Manipulation Day had approached far quicker than I thought it would have. I hadn't prepared myself for this yet. The last Manipulation Room had been so awful that I didn't know if I could do it again. I envisioned Ezra, almost choking on his own tears as his parents were ripped away from him. The memory was haunting and constantly invaded my thoughts. I tried, with all of my energy, to shake away the thought. We were standing in the middle of a moderately empty field, the location of this grim event. Mama had decided to come early today, for a reason that was completely beyond me. 

"For once can you not be so utterly bleak?" Mama grumbled, flashing Echo an unimpressed look. She simply shrugged, "We are literally waiting to witness the murder of someone done by someone who loves them dearly...what isn't bleak about that?" 
I interrupted before Mama could get a word in edgeways, "If you're going to say that this is necessary for our survival, then please don't." She closed her mouth again, exhaling deeply. Echo pulled the beret off of her head, revealing a head of dark, tousled hair and scoffed, "I'm not wearing this either. It's enough you've forced me to wear this ridiculous outfit." She gestured to the black crinoline petticoat and pearl-coloured laced top she was wearing. It did look truly ridiculous. I was suddenly thankful for my white peplum skirt and jet silk blouse. Though, I also looked awful. 

I groaned, "Why must we always dress like creepy, porcelain dolls? It's humiliating." 
Mama brushed a speck of dust off of the shoulder of my silky top and huffed, "You don't look creepy, you look classy and elegant." 
Echo scoffed, "We look absolutely atrocious." 
"It's all about paying your respects to whoever is unfortunately chosen." She flashed Echo a quick glance. "You don't want to be standing there wearing ripped jeans and a top that says 'You. Only. Live. Once.'" 
Echo groaned, "It's not supposed to be taken literally! It's a fashion choice." Around us, the field was slowly filling with people. The time was approaching, and I looked like an antique doll from a horror film. 

"Can we please go home and change? I look like a creepy, vintage doll from a haunted toy shop." Echo moaned, tugging at the lace that ran up her sleeves. She looked around, self-consciously, eyeing the perimeter for anyone she recognised from school. I nodded in agreement, "We came early anyway, there should be time." 
Mama shot us both disappointed looks, "You both look lovely, stop being so silly." 
I raised an eyebrow, "Yes, if this was a hundred years earlier I'm sure we would." I ran my fingers through my long blonde hair, pulling strands out from under my black beret. 

Mama looked forward and completely ignored our constant begging to go home and change. Echo turned to me and groaned, "I can't believe I let her persuade me to wear this hideous outfit." 
I nodded, "I wouldn't be seen dead in this outfit." 
She pointed to the Manipulation Room that could be seen on the large screens above us, "Dead, you say?" 
I punched her in the arm, "Don't." 

"Ah, Mrs Ray, what a pleasure to see you!" I looked up and saw Ezra's mum embracing my own in a friendly hug. Oh God. If his mum was there, he had to be close behind. I stared at Echo, wide-eyed with shock, and she bit her lip, trying hard not to laugh. "How embarrassing." She snorted, giggling quietly to herself. I tried to cover my face with my lacy-gloved hands but it was hopeless. I shuffled awkwardly, pulling my gloves up my arm. 

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