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I must admit that the idea of spending Christmas in New York doesn't make me excited, no illusion to be exact, but I do it for my mother, I know that will make her happy, because when she arrives she will be able to meet the man she has been talking about for two years and for work reasons they couldn't meet.

The reason my mother was looking for love on the internet is because seven years ago my father died, she never felt able to find someone online, but I forced her to do it was for her sake, she fell into a depression

At last we arrive at the airport, get off the plane and go to the meeting with our luggage. When we finally have it, my mother and I go in search of John, her "friend", we will recognize him because he carries a sign with our last name, besides my mother knows how it is, I do not.She finds him before me, he does not come alone, two boys accompany him, one must be seven and the other seems to be my age. I didn't know that John had two children, I suppose they are his children.

My mother runs to John, and they hug each other, the ones who are going to be my brothers look at me and I look at them, we all feel the same, shyness or maybe embarrassment, the major looks me up and down for a second and Then he loses his gaze to another place, the little boy stares at me completely.

-¡We finally met!- John adds. -They are my children.-He says pointing at them.

The little one greets us with the hand and the other just looks back at us and I think for a moment I have seen his jaw perfectly marked on his face.

-Steve.- John says pointing to the little boy.-And Jason.- He says in a harder tone for Jason to change the look of shitty pimp he has on his face right now.

Jason seems like the kind of guy who doesn't give a fuck about anything that goes on around him, he just cares about himself. God, I hate that kind of people, they are very unpleasant. But I'm not going to judge him ahead of time, maybehe's not feeling very comfortable in this situation.

-What do you think if after leaving your luggage at home we go to eat at a restaurant? -My mother says.

I find it very nice that both of you are putting so much on your side and not even spending half an hour.

-I think it's a fantastic idea.- John replies, to which Jason rolls his eyes and snorts

I would love to be able to slap him and lower him from wherever he is, how he can behave in that way knowing that this is so important for our parents, I do not understand him.I definitely think Jason is stupid.We follow the boys to the car, John helps us to put our luggage in the trunk. We get in the car, my mother in the passenger seat and I to the right of the back, next to Steve, I think it's better not to get too close to Jason right now because I have a horrible urge to shout it Behave and stop being an asshole.

I concentrate on looking out the window, I do not want to miss anything in New York, coming to New York is everyone's wish. I think the house of John and his children is not far from Times Square, that's going to come very well, so I can go whenever I feel like it.

While crossing the times square I observe all the people who occupy the sidewalks on the sides of the street, it is more than amazing, in my little Olando I have never seen that, it seems very overwhelming.

At last we reach the block of flats where they live, the facade is very pretty and reconfortable, I pick up my suitcase and enter the building, John has informed me that he lives in the room so I'd better get on the elevator. When Steve and Jason arrive they have arrived before me and they have already entered, I meet Steve in the living room and he takes me to what will be my room, when we open the door of this we see Jason.

-I think you have to share the room with him.- Steve informs me ,as if Jason was not in front of us listening.

Jason ignores us and leaves the room with his air of pimp, Steve continues his pace and I remain alone in the room. I put my things on the bed that is on the right which seems to be the one that is going to be mine since there is nothing in that part of the room. I decide not to take anything out of the suitcase at the moment, and I'll start packing my things when we get back to eat.

When my mother got her luggage too, we all gathered in the living room, all but Jason, that neither of us knows where he is.
"I'm going to call him." John says taking his cell phone and heading for the kitchen.
My mother makes an attempt to talk to Steve, expecting me to reject it, but this does not and does respond with a smile, that reassures me.

Finally John informs us that Jason has not even bothered to pick up the phone.

We have not taken a quarter of an hour in the street and I have already fallen in love with New York, the atmosphere so alive I love it, it is true that as I said before it is a little overwhelming but in summary I love it.

At last we arrive at the restaurant, it is an Italian, it looks very luxurious, it is very modern. We entered and it seems that they had already reserved table for five, but as Jason is still absent we are only four .

-Please excuse Jason for his behavior, I do not know what's wrong with him lately.- John apologizes for his son.

-Do not worry sweetheart, it will pass.- My mother reassures him calmly.

Did she just call him sweetheart? This is going well, I love to see her so happy, finally.

The food was delicious and I have been able to get to know Steve and John better, both are lovely, I love that there is this atmosphere is very nice.
We go straight home to put our things before it is later, besides mom and I are a bit tired of the trip.

When I enter in the room where I'm going to spend the holidays, I watch closely, it doesn't look like anyone was here while we were in the restaurant, which means that Jason has not come home either.

The part of the room of Jason is quite dislocated, while mine is unpolluted, there's nothing, they appear opposite poles.

I begin to take my things out of the suitcase and place them in their respective places, yet the sides of the room seem opposite poles.

After going to dinner I decide that I'm not going to bed very late, with what I go to sleep, today was certainly a wonderful day

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